Football Manager 2012 pre-orders

Hi, some of you probably pre-ordered FM2012 on STEAM thus receiving a set of genuine TF2 items.
Genuine Merc's Pride Scarf
Genuine Ball-Kicking Boots
Vuvuzela Noise maker

So if you got the items and don't use them/play TF2 - Let me know and I might buy them from you for Paypal or Steam Gift.

image: tumblr_kw0g04XyOc1qa2ckuo1_500
more interested by the assassin's creed style wrist dagger for the spy
this is now a generic FM journal

upload your team/league bros
image: xcsu84
image: 358s4yv

niSmO's recommended player: Vaclav Kadlec
Kelemen : DDDD
such a bad keeper :DDDDD bought him in my first season @ Serie B, now in my third and i cant get rid of him :D
yea he is decent keeper in Poland league now but nothing special :)
I managed Liverpool till 2nd season (where in FM11 I played for about 10 seasons for like 3 reset saves playing Liverpool) won everything but the CL and got bored (my purchases were Chamberlain, Cavani, Hazard, Hummels)

Now I'm starting with Napoli and looking to make it champions. Bought so far Toloi and Eriksen. Any more recommendations? I need mainly defensive players and wings.
napoli for champions? sounds far too easy tbh, they good enough to be champions on my game!

which types of wingers? inside forwards or full on wingers? and which defensive positions?
I need. Mainly full backs and inside forwards. Also a good DM.
As for CB, I have ny eyes on a couple but none wants to join ATM( papdopulos, subotic)
take Cosic @ CB, becomes good

Naxto Monreal (i think it is spelt like that), good LB, or Jose Alejandro Falcon (mexican guy, becomes good)

Vaclav Kadlec for inside forward would be nice if you can't get someone who is the best (Neymar etc), Schurrle, Muniain,

maybe you could retrain Gylfi Sigurdsson into any attacking role? (he is worth getting and retraining, fantastic player)

look at the obvious too, Hazard, Gotze etc
I'm playing Napoli, I barely have 10M to spend...
pay over 48 months, should effectively quadruple how much money you have to spend....
true, but still noone gives a crap about napoli atm :o every player scout i get the player has no intentions to join me.
image: 2010_7_29-2010_7_29_8_46_2-jpg-19237

Dario Conca
what formation do you think i should use? atm i use 4-5-1, but i'm more favorable towards a 4-4-2 or 4-1-3-2. i'm thinking of maybe rotating between the formations to not allow my team to get used to the tactics
tbh it depends what you want, i prefer playing the ball on the floor so i am playing a 4-1-2-2-1 (inside forwards @ AMR+AML, CM = 1 as deep lying playmaker, 1 as advance playmaker, anchor man, etc etc) but i am going to change it a bit next season.

read that for more info on player roles/duties, and make your team based on whether you want long ball or short passing
i am a huge fan of 4-4-2. in liverpool i played it similar to yours, with the wingers been inside forwards, two strikers (T and DLP) and 2 midfielders (1 always advanced playmaker, and the other is rotating between DLP and BWM depends on the opponent) but i don't know how it will work out in napoli, as i need some very strong players for this formation to work. especially a high defense
gonna try a formation next season with 5 defenders, will tell you how it goes :D
meh not really too excited about such thing :o i was more into having 2 strikers, two inside forwards, one playermaker and one Defensive midfielder (or anchor man) that can be the 5th defender (but is a midfielder). but not sure how much it will work tbh
sounds good to me tbh, pretty much waht i usually use
will be abit difficualt as i have both hamsik and eriksen (holy shit eriksen is incredible) and i want them both to be a huge part of the team..
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