Playstation3 or Xbox360


i am thinking of buying myself a console... my last console was the oldskool playstation1... so i have already used all of them but i don't know which console i should buy... any recommendations?

extra question:
any news on a playstation4, or a new Xbox?

just wanna play some gta & fifa on console...
Just buy a ps3

I have the ps3 for 2 weeks now and I am happy :- ) I have mw3 Uncharted winning games :P

Can we play online :P
get a PC!
Console is relaxing and fun with friends :-]
way better
ps3 all the way
add NzZtej
ps3 = xbox360 except!!! ps3 is blue ray so

ps3 > xbox360

..........doesnt mean shit in gaming. only when watching movies tbh
for gaming they are all the same
I had a similar journal a couple of days ago, maybe you can find some info over there as well.
XBOX 360 :333333
No this one again!

You can find enough info already...

I will go for the PS3 = Stronger hardware, free to go online, blue ray

Some exclusive-games + the controller's are personal for everybody
No need to think , xbox is shit. Ps3 all the way !
Not this one again!

You can find enough info about this...

I will go for the PS3 = Stronger hardware, free to go online, blue ray, but a bit more expensive.

Some exclusive-games + the controller's are personal for everybody.
Stronger Hardware -> No game ever uses the full potential of a PS3, wasted money
Free to go online -> True. If he wants to play Fifa a lot ->PS3
The Sony gamepads suck compared to Microsoft's which can also be used on a PC without needing to install special drivers.
Who even buys Blurays ~~
just bought a flat screen + PS3 with Gran Turismo 5 <3
pehhesss 3
XBOX 360 I would recommend to anyone. I have played with both but only Xbox made it into my house for some time. Fun doesn't end in multiplayer Mode. If you enjoy Shooters and and an easy to handle console I'd go for XBOX. If you want to play platform exclusive games then go for PS3.

My opinion:
WII > 360 > PS3

If you want to play Fifa online go for PS3 since Xbox as above stated needs to be paid monthly for online play.
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