Bird's body - Week 3

This is Morgan 'bird' Evans week by week body condition blog!

3x 8reps flat bench 90kg
3x 8reps decline bench 100kg
3x 8reps incline bench 85kg

10 diamond, 10 narrow, 10 wide, 10 narrow, 10 diamond

Next update will be on sunday.

image: 15znpjb

image: 2rxi0l1

I commented before, wtf
ive deleted the journal, feel free to post your comment again
i just took a dump and and there was blood in it.
just about as interesting as this journal.
Tbh your bloody shit is more intresting than this
that's dangerous tbh, wouldn't make fun of it.
das kommt von den ganzen random tabletten von deim vadder
oder von deinem zu harten penis beim analsex
go on morgan
Those diamond ones fucking kill argh my triceps.
shave ur fucking armpits
agreed thats fucking disgusting
You guys fail to spot one thing here, Morgan is a male.
image: happy-crying-face-tumblr-meme

but...but...he has soo nice nipples
i just woke up and see naked body . looks okay get Bit.more Kilo imo :)
maybe you should post yours, so we can compare

Sorry, couldn't resist, was just a great assist
image: laughing.smileface2
nice smiley

10 points to griffindor
You actually want to compare his body to hers?
wouldn't u?
Curlbro y u no hit back/shoulders/legs
Do my shoulders look small to you? :/
3x 8reps flat bench 90kg
3x 8reps decline bench 100kg
3x 8reps incline bench 85kg

Shoulders are solid, why only hitting chest and a bit of tri's now? :PP
That's only a chest workout..
Seriously.. you're fucking retarded lol.
Morgan <3333
ben affleck
aint bad

but i guess he had that anorexic body from start 50 kg fag

then after eating proteins and shit gaining

this kind of body will never be fat or beer belly or whatever
you are gay
>not even lifting 1 plate
>not even squatting 1 plate
>implying big arms & abs = strength
>mfw i look less muscular but move lot more weigth
Yeah good luck being ultra strong, what's the point? rather have a better shaped body.
well i cant argue with that tho...i was just pointing out that looking strong/muscular and being strong are 2 different many guys running around being swole from the creatine-water thinking they are actually strong but actually lifting less than any highschool kid
So you think he only goes to gym 1 time a week or that he does this same set 4 times a week?
It's obviously not his full training program as this journal is about his current body condition, not training.
So what is the point lifting a lot and not looking good?
I seriously have some respect for the guys who do serious weightlifting for a career..
I guess you'll always be a fat nerd. :)
Where's Ati_ though? Haven't seen his reply yet. Maybe he has some advice for this guy since he is clearly doing it wrong. SQUATZ AND OATZ AMIRITE? YOU JELLY? YOU MIRIN?
Seems like everyone here on CF can do this better than morgan, but he's the only1 that's been showing pics about his condition so far.
why you backing this faggot with hairy armpits?
Jealousy: Jealousy is a second emotion and typically refers to the negative thoughts and feelings of insecurity, fear, and anxiety over an anticipated loss of something that the person values, particularly in reference to a human connection.
not jealous lol, you have nice body yes

but what makes you a faggot that you post pics on gaming site

i don't need MUSCLES to fuck hot bitches as i do :PPPPP

and no need to shout fat, cuz im not

can drop pics for ur satisfaction
I don't see the connection between having armpits and being a faggot tbh, just wierd when you ask some other man to shave his armpits o_O
all of the UK are like some other world that they don't shave armpits wtf?

first of all it looks ugly, the smell of sweat is "bigger" due to that growing hair shit

and yeah dont say that you wash ur armpits every 5 minutes because u dont, on a busy day at work/school/chilling somewhere u still sweat a lil bit and that shit is just wrong

p.s maybe fins like hairy armpits aswell no idea
I don't really have an opinion about that matter, also here in Finland we have this thing called deodorant.
This journal series is terrible
You should try the workouts.. Then it will go from terrible to beneficial.
i'm happy with 5/3/1 thanks

would rather follow programs designed by people who have years of expertise, and i'm sure most of crossfire feels the same way
I don't expect anyone to do what I say.. But the workouts which I do are all taken from people who have years of experience and put into one.
Feel free to do as you wish.. just doing my bit of contributing.
your pushup workout is fucking easy man, doesnt look like a good workout
Try it after the chest workout. Not so easy then!
Or up it to 20 pushups. That's what I do! :D
Combining programs is a common mistake

Realised that after stalling a lot this summer..

If you think you can improve a program, you're basically saying you think you know better than the author
Obviously not..
You should change your workout every 3 weeks.. Good to mix it up!
lots of jelly bitches on this journal

u look hot, no homo.
my friend is hot
how tall are u bro
you weren't just 1 cm bigger than me :p more of equal height bra
pffft, you're not from Wales :ppp
Nigga please you look like a cheese doodle. Do some deadlift and some squats. start eat some food or else you will die in a carfire
looking good bird

so many jealous cunts here who think they know a lot because they just read /fit/ and so on :D
please, shave your armpit :SSSSSSSSS
need Slarto's body-journals
If youre going to post bullshit journals at least post it yourself

E: Why are all your pictures taken in what appears to be a hotel bathroom?
i get paid for this, is there a fuckin problem faggot?
yes you are the problem rat face
I look forward to this journal every week.
even schnee her journals are better than this crap.
Wow I remember how sweet little boy you were back in the times when we played 2.55 Art :P
I heard Sebastian tore his banjo cord looking at this journal! Phwoar!
how long and how often did/do you train for getting ripped like that?
Sexiest ETplayer <3


image: tumblr_lgdm6zKMDe1qgcvg9o1_500
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