Paly paly LoL with me!

Hey guise!
I'm looking for a few guys who want to spend their sundays playing LoL with and help me and themselves getting to lvl 30. I'm lvl 20 right now and would appreciate if you were roughly around that lvl.

Just message me here, thxkbye
buy xp boost, problem solved
Still doesn't make playing the games as much fun as playing with people you can actually sit in Vent/TS with and talk to.

E: Hi Money Boy.
lvl 14 here
Francislol @west servers if interested
i hope germany will get destroyed before you get to lvl 30
the reich will be defended!
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."
Congratulations, hattivatti, for you are the first person on crossfire I may actually bother to play LoL with! There are a few simple, yet important rules for you to follow precisely.

1. PM me your LoL summoner name, for I may or may not add you as a friend
2. If and when on Ventrilo with the elite that we are, it is an unspoken tradition - potter is the victim, he shall be mocked, mobbed and brandished for life, any day that goes by without someone telling potter he'd be low, is a wasted day.
3. As the new guy, you are to play support - unless of course potter gets belittled into doing it. :(
4. Potter low.
you're fucking weird
It is only expected for you to behave a certain way if you're intimidated and are currently experiencing a inferiority complex. Don't be bothered though, while I may appear pretentious and or even obnoxious to you - I guarantee you I am not, neither is there any reason for you to question your self-worth right about now. For you are part of an almighty faction that has proven over and over again through out history, they are survivors!
yet i like you.
germans hating austrians, weird how times changed the past 70 years...
I'm unsure as to why I was chosen to be granted the possible permission to perhaps play with you, but I still don't know whether I would want to play with potter, because for all I know, he's pretty fucking low.

My LoL-name is hattifotzi btw.
Smurfing and lolling around at EU West with nick 'whyuysomad', feel free to add me, atm lvl15.
I'd like to but I suppose you are on the eastern server :D?
Oh you make funny with your mouth! hattifotzi on West.
das der name durchgeht :D
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