RAM question

Hi crossfire!

I got a little question for you guys:

I guess a lot of you know the feeling, if your computer slows down, that it is nearly impossible to play any other game, because your Memory is too full and you need to restart your computer.

So i am assume that the memorypart is the mainproblem in this case and that a restart solves it. So is there any Programm that can do the same effect ? Simulating some kind of reboot which only takes one mouseclick? Is it even possible lol?

image: onsf29pd

Since a restart takes always too long -_-
No idea.

But I want more chicks :)

e: Try something like ram cleaner
I fell in love...
Get an SSD, boot in 10 seconds
have you actually experience with that, or just googled it?
yup I use it, 535kb & free. Does what it says on the tin...
google fag :p
didnt find anything good there ;(
maybe some guys have experience with a program here
just buy more ram
RazZaH on 22/11/11, 20:07:47 Edited PM | Report | Reply

i will never post a chick again.
dat was a joke
lazy turk y u no search urself?
I wanna RAM this bro

image: MISURA_1246658786
got excited about RAMMING, saw geeks talking about computers. feeling angry & disappointed atm.
rebooting or logging out and in the cleanest and healthiest options to be honest
i somewhat doubt theres an absolute solution via some program, since it wont restart your session

how often do you need to restart? once/twice per day? thatd sound a bit like aging hardware
not sure if you can allocate space for a swap memory drive in xp without repartitioning
mz ram booster
what game r u playing
prolly shit if its like the all new versions, 2realistic to enjoy the game.. like cod, and all other new games, 2realistic .


Now let's be serious for a moment.

Offtopic: I have a dream...
image: Detroit-Car-Fire
geezus fuck fucking idiots all over this page,
realistic? ye fucking shooting thru walls and doors
nfs realistic? ye fucking driving must be perfect

fuck sake
You make no sense. That's not a surprise though. Maybe if you'd stop raging and think what you're trying to tell without adding 'fuck' everywhere you might get your message through.

And I agree there are idiots on this page. They are so few yet they still manage to get so much attention being retarded cunts like yourself.
you fucking suck fucking fucktard
download more RAM then
get game booster
get memclean here : http://www1.zippyshare.com/v/95914081/file.html

Thats what i use if i play lineage 2 with my 2gb ;d

fastboot exe no install involved
i buy me moooooooooooooar ram now
RAM is damn cheap atm, just buy 8 gb for like 30€ and you are fine (ofc it makes more sense with an 64bit OS)
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