Majoras Mask worth it?

So my gf is away until tomorrow and i found an N64 in the drawer I mean i knew it was there but I thought it lacked the cables. However, everything is here, including a few games like OOT (original) and Starfox/Lylat Wars etc I haven't finished OOT 3D (got a 3ds 2 weeks ago), I had the Shadow Temple just done. Now I got this MM on the N64 and gosh, those graphics..and the gamepad is as faulty as it could be but playable.

Last week I played through Links Awakening in a single night since then I've been stuck with Pokemon Black for some reason but that's not the point anyway <.<

Do you think MM is worth playing?
nothing on a nintendo is worth playing
take that back :O
yes. it is.

I'd replay all n64 zelda games if i still had one, oh the childhood memories :)
Majora's Mask was so underated. Granted, it got on your tits changing the time, but it's such a good storyline and great gameplay!

Hoping for a remake on 3DS!
MM is soooo good bro
I didn't read you content in your journal but Majoras Mask is 100% worth its money

Especially if you liked the OOT, i played it when i was a little kid and my english was awfull, me and my brother were always trying to figure out how the storyline would go (some of the notebook (you will get it later) storylines are really awesome). To bad the changing time-mechanics get a bit repetitive.

Mabye it was because i still had a huge fantasy back then but its in my opinion together with OOT the best game of N64.
Really enjoyed MM back in the day...
Yes, definitely worth it.
true. ganondorf and ganon were far too easy :/
Naww, the last boss in Majora's mask. :D
oh xD ok that's gonna take some time. and i hate the graphics, you cant see shit + the game is laggy on n64 :/
MM is good, however, add me on pokemon (life is boring when ur stuck and away from home)
super smash bro's and mario parties on N64, fuck yea.
every zelda game is :)
just bought limited edition ss for wii today, including ultragoldenwii-mode and cd with songs from zelda played by big-ass orchesta!

edit: lylat wars is awesome game too!
yea i ordered that one too but i guess ill wait forever for that delivery. i guess ill need to use amazon € 79,-- though already -_- missed the last new article for € 64,--! just by 2 minutes so DUMB
OOT is way better than MM.... but ye MM is worth playing
MM concept is way more epic that the OOT concept.
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