school of sex!

maybe its the first time that you cant wait to take an exam ...

signed up as teacher
Oh those are the online-courses you supervise and handle? x)
I hope for you that the course is not only for male students :)
I can imagine its full of ugly and (or) fat ppl who just cant get laid...
im so going
haha never heard of this tbh. one more reason to <3 my country!
Enrolling just for the free condoms.
School of Sex? KRP is organazing "learn to sex womans in all holes good"-courses too. The teachers are real masters of sex!!
The headmaster is Sweden swedish :P
signed up
nothing to learn there
joeeeeey <3 :D
lets enroll there together and make group presentation!
best idea ever :D
Quoteclasses are thought in German.
thought ??? lol
no talking during classes

and this time it's a rather quiet attempt to take over the world. it starts off right in your bedroom ^^
They should learn how to make a proper website if they are trying to do such a big scam.
Has anyone seen how much they are charging for one semester? 1400 FREAKING EURO
Besides agreeing on the dubious nature of this study program, how is 1400 / semester expensive?
soooo a guy walks in to a class in school of sex and sees everybody fucking on their desks...and a guy in the corner (called ETPlayer) masturbating..
he asks the teacher
-hey! why is everyone fucking today?
the teacher replies
-they are taking a mid-term exam!
-and what about the ETPlayer in the corner??
and the prof says...
-he missed a few classes and writes whatever he knows!!!!
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