midi keyboard ableton

Hey guys, I'm looking for a decent midi keyboard for ableton live 8!

Got any suggestions? What are the usual prices for it?

Thanks in advance!

Nice song:

QuotePosts Skrillex labeled as "Nice song"

image: Uol3D
more like: "Posts a dubstep song and calls it nice."
more like: posts a brostep song and calls it nice!
more like: let's not give a fuck shall we?
this journal needs better music tho :/
What Burneddi said.
Quote by utube commentThis is an AMAZING talent!

< listen from 0:40
< image: facepalm-4
Quote by utube commentThis is an AMAZING talent![/youtube]

image: f069ad45_epic_facepalm_by_rjth
only one I found with more than 4 :P
M-Audio keyrig 49

got this and is perfect
every half decent keyboard has midi...
I got korg -nanokey(midi key) [50€] and korg nano pad that works nice with live....

Otherwise I use akai apc 20 in live set [+/- 200€]....

Anyway depends of what you need for...if u use live in liveset, you need a machine like apc of akai...
If u use it in studio you can use small keyboard (if u dunno howto use it) like korg nanokey and then buy a good keyboard when you improve your skill with ableton.....

Even if is useful to have a keyboard, i work well also without it (depends how good you are playing instruments like real piano)
I've got an apc40 :p very nice one

I've been playing the piano since I was like 5-6 years old so, I'm pretty sure it will be helpfull :p

thanks for the tip btw
np! yea it's much useful....so you can buy a keyboard with moar keys .

You need to know what you are gonna to do with that keyboard:

For example, if ur gonna only play that keyboard while producing...i recommend a keyboard with 5 octave (61 keys) like m-audio but dont remember which model..

but if u'r gonna to use that keyboard also for live set (as launchpad) you may need of some other features such as knobs, pitch faders and stuff of keyboard like akai, alesis or m-audio keyring 49 with less button (25 o 49)...

ps Apc 40 is a true wonder..!

Ableton live lover <3
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