Need a TS server :)

Hey Crossies,

since I'm on tour a lot recently due to study tasks and politics I'm always taking my laptop with me.
Somehow, I can't get the microphone (I tried a few) to work with any other VoIP tools than TeamSpeak3 (no Skype, no Vent, no VoIP from my provider).
I've already tried everything I could find in the interwebz to get this solved but had to surrender.

Now I'm in need of a private TS3 server (4-8 Slots) for the next month or smth like that.

I dont want to rent one but I thought maybe someone here could host me one, can offer you an Itunes vouche for it since I dont use Paypal to transfere money or shit.

Just contact me here via PM.


Nico "Rayzed" Schneider

image: 0-6910d-a9ccc798-orig


image: img4e93cf273383f
leave me a msg at xfire during the next days and we'll see ;p
I can provide you with a password protected channel in a rather empty environment :)
wo san de tepf?
She's missing some breasts
where are the bewbs? oO
Frop once deleted one of my pics for boobz so I thought I take a chick without any to avoid confrontation with the administration.
no tits ... lol

she's cute anyway :)
Exposed nipples, ban!
PM me , 35 slots avi
just get a private channel to many people offer it ;d
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