Star Wars: The Old Republic

Should i buy it or not?
+ is anyone playing the Beta version, could u give me a score?


Didnt play it - But heard alot of positive shit about this game
Didnt play it - But heard alot of positive shit about this game
Guess its fucking awesome, not my genre though..
Won't be playing it although I should want to. However, I've decided never to buy anything with EA on it again, and not only does this have EA on it, it also has Origin.
Its from Bioware and you dont need Origin to play this game.
EA is the publisher and last I checked all their triple-A titles have Origin. I could be wrong though.
I played the Beta and i didnt had Origin running neither it was necessary :-)
Playing beta, if i had the money I'd pay for it in a heartbeat. (game and monthly sub is needed afaik).

Total score: 9/10, would be 10 but has some graphics issues + bad optimization.
now, on the site u can choose between the standard pack and the deluxe pack.

the delux pack has a transport vehicule and a training droid, some other shit. It costs 20 euros more but is it worth it ?
Nope, unless you have money to burn.
okay, thanks.

i prolly will order the standard pack.

€54 + €13 monthly fee, damn u Lucas
54 euros and a monthly fee of 13 euros? isnt that expensive btw
ye but my income is not that great :<
Wait, the game requires you to pay up front AND a monthly fee?
yep, i didnt know it till a few days ago lol. I always thought it would be a one time fee, which is a shame since I would definitely buy it otherwise.
you get one month with the game though :D
just like any other mmo
well, i played Archlord and that was a free MMO, u COULD pay to get better equipped. They should do the same for swtorp.
no, i wouldnt play it.
mini transactions ruin the game thats one of the reasons every single f2p mmo sucks hard.
Most mmo's are free, some require a monthly fee and some require a one-time payment. I haven't seen any game that requires both yet.
either games are free (no first time purchase and no fee) or they have to be bought and paied monthly.
most might be true in mere numbers (rom, cabal, sro, ...) but the big ones, the ones that people actually play are all the same. you buy the game and all extensions and you pay monthly fees.
thats how wow, rift, war and all the other big ones work.
f2p ones are pretty much gind heavy, empty, small, without end level contect, lacking raids/dungeons and unbalanced due to micro transactions. in short: they suck.
i can think of only one that you buy once and then never pay for it again and that would be Guild Wars which isnt even a MMO strictly speaking.
Why would guild wars not be an MMO? And I'm pretty sure you don't have to pay for WoW other than a monthly fee.

I would also like to add that you seem to have some sort of tunnel-vision on several points while you also appear to be such an outspoken character.
You had to pay for wow at its release and then a monthly fee, also you had to pay for every single addon :-)
i know my MMOs thats why i am so settled in my views on them.
and GW isnt rly a MMO cause you finish the content in small groups in seperate areas/instances. also towns have different "channels" (forget the proper term, it has been a while) so its never as full as other MMOs.
youll never run around and encounter another player (cause you only play in ur party).
I could just look up the definition of MMO and tell you your wrong.
Which MMO's have you played in the past?
all of the ones i have been talking about... thats why i was so sure that i am right about the payment stuff.
i bet GW is officially a MMO but it isnt a classic one at that. GWs funding is unique cause the way it works is unique is what i meant to say.
How come sith adepts always end up rolling some jedi master and then they get raped by some jedi knight.

coz the force is strong in them, Sith hate will get u nowhere ?
so hate gets you to kill Jedi Masters but not Jedi Knights?! :D hate gets you to rape anexis but lose to saken?
last part wtf =DDDDDDDDDDDD
true, saken ain't even at jedi night level. more like ewok
Looked the same as any mmo at eurogamer tbh
tbh there aren't much MMO's in this setting most are with swords and shit,

I agree that the characters themselves don't look really well. But the environments are pretty nice. And the mechanics and stuff look pretty good, i didn't encounter any problems in the beta. Classes from what i've seen from it(played Sith sorceror lvl 15 and Commando level 19) look pretty cool.

Just hope there won't be a ton of people nagging about WoW and how that is better like on most MMO's
great game
true that but this monthly fee concept keeps me from buying it... also why the fuck would I pay like 50 euro for the game and than like a monthly fee? Make the game for free and I'd be able to understand.
thats how MMOs work. you pay the initital money for the game they created like you do with any other game. and then you have to pay a monthly subscription for the server load they have and the right to use all upcomming content.
13e a month boils down to 40cents a day. 40cents isnt rly that much.
i have an active rift subscription which i dont even play... just so that i can play when i want to
Du spielst das wenn das draussen ist ja?

Wenn das dein approval hat hol ich mir das vielleicht :D

bin grad am bf3 installieren btw wenn du bock has koenn wir samstag oder so zocken wenn du nicht real lifen musst oder blut scheissen wat weiss ich
hmm ich spiel gerad noch ne dota aber danach sind hier schon leute für bf3 in den startlöchern. biste dann dabei? so halbe std oder so
nee fahr gleich nach enschede :/ du weisst reinzufaellig nicht wie lang shops so usual offen haben an wochentagen, ich mein 22:00 aber kp
ich dachte 24:00 hier in amsterdam viele auch bis 1. aber in grenznähe 24 denke ich
minimal auf jeden 22h. ist in roermon glaub ich so
Ich hab das letzte Betawochenende bei dem Game mitgemacht und ich kann dir sagen, es ist das beste MMO was ich bisher gespielt habe.

Ich habe WoW, Guildwars, Lotro und Aion gespielt bzw angetestet. Ich kann bei den meisten nichts über den Endkontent sagen aber das kann ich auch bei swtor nicht. Daher messe ich mit gleichem Maß und swtor überzeugt bisher auf allen längen.
how was it? i didnt want to download it just to play on that one sunday (and i was too hungover to play it anyhow)

any idea if there will be upcoming beta weekends again?
dont think so.
via preoder you can get early access (like 5 days) but thats about it i think.
i really liked it, seems great (if you like MMOs)
Are you going to play on a rp server? Because im planning to play on a PvE RP server when it starts. (Cant handle kids with names like DarsWada, Jedikill0r5000, CaptainBockwurst or something similar)

So maybe we could play from time to time together. Ofc it would also depends on what side you wanna play.
ye id like to play PvE RP. im not thaaaat much of a SW fan so its not like im very determined to play one side. im not even sure where all the kids will go.
i can imagine "yeee jedi knights so cool" and also "hehe we sith so so gansta"...
any idea which one is gonna be better?
I have tested a bountyhunter and it was pretty much fun. But on the release i will go for the smuggler because im always more attracted by the good and i like this "I'm the smart'n'tough guy with the best ship" setting.

My best inet buddy is going to play the Republic Commandosoldier so we gotta start at the same planet.
so PvE RP and Republic it is. As I said im not (yet) attached to any clas and/or fraction so ill just give that a try. ill prolly end up with a couple of twinks anyway cause i usually enjoy testing stuff (to at least understand the abilities of my group/ different classes a bit better).
Twinking is fun in swtor. You get a legacy bonus for each character on the same side.
actually your access was from atleast saturday, they skipped the sunday start, until monday 6:59 because they gave also one extra day to test it
well yeah, but i was at a music festival at the time, which is why i gave my account away to hugthesub in the first place.
pre-ordered it a month ago so i have played beta already :) it's a nice game i'll be nerding hard with like 7 of my mates :D
that sounds nice, i'm gonna nerd 24/7 prolly
haha well we're not that hard core but i think we can make a nice dutch guild, i mean we're 8 already
got 2 invites but didn't try it, heard negative and positive things about it, so not sure
can u give me 1 ?
i already gave 1 to a friend of mine, sorry
looks pretty boring imho, unless you are more of a WoW fan instead of a SW fan
"looks" maybe, but imo wow and swtor are pretty different in many ways :-)
Do you have to pay a monthly subscription also?? ofc after the release
Yes, the common payment of 13€ per month
Great game. I would give it a 9/10 at the current state cuz of some little things like no stun immunity after a stun, some graphic problems, sometimes fps drops, flashpoints are too easy with jedis but this is all about one patch and i will go for a 10/10 :-)
i agree with that old guy
who is that?
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