student life

I love being a student. it's just so awesome u know. so tonight gonna party to death dunzy style and finger the opposite sex, gonna be fun. wish me luck

anyone else gonna do the same?

image: oh7adz

I hate being a student. Its fucking useless!
u're pulling my tongue bro, but I will resist
being a student is amazing, true.
Student life <3 Party hard the first 3 months, now its exams soon so everybody is chillin' =))) Having 500€ a month on food & drink pwns ;)
fuck man thats realy much... send some to me, i gotta do it with €25 a week :(
WTF? 25€ a week?! I get 6800 NOK a month :XD (2800 NOK for my room) so I have 4000 NOK left, around 500€ : D
When I was studying, I had 3e for food per 1 week. Ate 1 time/day some macaron + cheap meatballs + drank water, gg.
we love Norge also ... :x in Poland with this euro you will be GOD. :x
I get every month 360 € minus the 80-100€ rent. The rest is for living and stuff.

And you need to consider that the prices are so much lower here. So to take that into account I get like 1000 € per month compared to you as a Norweigen :D:D
I get 800-900€ a month?
I only meant the money which you get for food and spending
That really depends on how you live, but yes norway is fucking expensive :D
grrr, i meant that your 500 euros gets you like x amount of beer. We get the same amount of beer for 250 only.

:) And yeah, NW is too expensive :D But the salaries are so much bigger as well. So it really doesnt affect it so much.
yea Belgium is as well i'm afaraid
The best thing about being a student is that we never have to do anything remotely difficult.
What subject are you studying?
Kind of agree, while my course actually seems to have some hard content, I never actually have to do much of it...I find a way around it or get other people to do it or something, I never actually have to learn much.

I'm afraid what happens when I go for a job interview when I graduate.
Im at University right now waiting for the Next Lesson to Start. Friday and saturday i have to wake up at 7 oclock. GG
I like to see it as a legitimate way to prolong your teenage years.
omg exams in 1 1/2 months omg
but yes the student life is fucking awesome
fucking bitches everyday
Gl with "party"
image: How_It_Should_Be
you must be new to university
Depends on the studies... cannot say that it aint hard and time-consuming
true that!
Hope you had fun :)
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