Your day? your turn

Good evening crossfire!

How was your day? Mine was fucking exhausting. I had breakfast at 6:30 with a girl from my school, then we left to school around 7:20. I left to work at 11:00, arrived to work 12:00, when I finally arrived home (17:00) my boss called me that didn't I forgot the car keys in my pocket? Oh yeah, I did. I had to go back. Now I am sitting a room full of gypsies, and one of them crying for 50minutes that he can't download a song.
Love hungarian student hostels. Can't fucking wait for my laptop arriving.

your turn
went to university, was damn boring. went back home and cooked me something nice. now sitting in front of laptop and gonna sleep soon, cuz i gotta wake up at 7:00 tomorrow ;(
sounds like forever alone :)
Had to sit the whole day at work listening to some presentation. Drove to McDonalds then. Now I set up some SSH Tunnel but my max dl. speed is only 3-4 mbit/s while I should have 20 mbit/s :(
woke up at 8, had a very nice and large lunch at around 1 at this spanish restaurant, went to the jeweler, took a 2 hour train ride home, went out for dinner, came home, finishing thesis proposal.
boooring day nothin special but tomorow is friday vittu yeah
sleep work sleep

life is horrible.
woke up at 5 PM, went to driving lessons for 3 hours, gaming since
Pretty good, played a COD war for the first time in about 4 months and totally sucked. Apart from that I've been pretty lazy, although I did go to the gym earlier. Working tomorrow, then getting my hair cut for what is shaping up to be the greatest weekend I've had so far =-)
woke up 5:30
riding by train to uni @ 6:44
8-12 lectures
12-14 lunch
14-18 lectures
back home 19:30
2nd beer right now.. my day is done ^^
- study for the inf. exam
- wake up tomorrow around 9 o'clock
- have to study for the finance exam
- go to university
- meet learn buddy and go through presentation and exercises
- come home

- have to study even more like a boss to pass the assessment year :)

repeat this for the next 2 weeks
Left to house at 6:18am towards school, went home at 12:45, quite a useless day, only good class on thursday is Economy...
After that I made myself some food (SAUERKRAUT! [Real Yerman!]) and nerded some BF3.
In the afternoon I finaly managed to re-arange my cables in my room (HDMI, Sound cables, power plugs,...) so they cant be seen anymore (Installed around 16meters of those white cable "boxes" at the bottom of the walls).
Tonight I went to a local bar with some mates for our every-thursday "Stammtisch" (sitting together, have a beer or two and talk about anything from sports over politics to school/work)
Might go to bed now since I've a job interview tomorow (even tho I dont really care about it...)
Mine was fucking exhausting. I had breakfast at 6:30 with a girl from my school, then we left to school around 7:20. I left to work at 11:00, arrived to work 12:00, when I finally arrived home (17:00) my boss called me that didn't I forgot the car keys in my pocket? Oh yeah, I did. I had to go back. Now I am sitting a room full of gypsies, and one of them crying for 50minutes that he can't download a song.
Love hungarian student hostels. Can't fucking wait for my laptop arriving.
had a bukkake in my face, fml!
Tweet tweet tweet, skeet skeet skeet?
Slept till 3 in the afternoon and played COD all day yep good day for me
woke up 5:30 am went to work arrived 6 am had a nice day there came home 2 pm had was fucking tired fell asleep woke up 9.30 pm now im still awake and im supposed to go to work tomorrow @4.30 am :(
Shit day. 3rd flat tire on my brand new bike in 1 week. THIRD FUCKING FLAT TIRE!

Fuck Irish bikes and roads.
Our hungarian hostel was operated by a illegal serbian immigrant, and our 24-12 member of staff would sit and smoke all night with us... They even made the beds prior to us coming. Awesome shit! :D
I woke up, I smoked some weed, I called around for work and I cooked food.
Parasite of wealthfare
Woke up 7:00 AM, had to go fucking far to do an Acoustics project until 2:00 pm. Then it was football (the real one) time from 3:00 to 4:00 pm. Got in a traffic jam trying to go to Columbia Stoner's house for some weed he had for me. Then about an hour from there to my house due to the fucking hour where everyone goes home. Now watching some The Walking Dead since a friend is using my recording stuff for a project he's doing. Looks like they are going to take long so might not sleep very good tonight.

Thank you
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