just got dota2 key

Sup cf,

just got dota2 key, playin my 3rd game
& all i gotta say is wtf is this bullshit delay
its soooooooooo much slower that hon
if they dont fix that i'm defi not buyin it

sry dont have any keys left

image: 393205_10150417963189823_6020654822_8678552_1717036646_n
what delay?
theres defi a feeling of having slower reaction time than hon does, its like playin on a USEast server
Havent actually noticed that, I just put auto attack off, stand there and click when needed. My first game I got a quad kill or so ;D (played with ming hard carry, and twizzt)
what quad kill? XD
oh 3 man then, LOL
kom dota 2
kga net LoL doen met kevin.
Hey, may I get one of the keys or did you give both away already?
Yup, thats my main problem with it atm. Feels very laggy when last hitting and moving which sucks,.
well this is because there is NO delay time in HoN for turning around, in DotA there is + check your fps for lag
At first, they whine about not receiving a key.
Then, they whine about having a key~~

The game is as slow-paced as original DotA is.
You can't compare it to the more action-oriented HoN.
dota > hon (atleast, balance wise)

dont know about dota2 though as i STILL DONT HAVE A KEY
hihi I've played it :P
HoN community is the worst... better enjoy in a slower gameplay imo
gimme key
can i has invite? :<
that girl saved this journal about bullshit
It's a slower game. As for delay, i don't get any. It feels smoother than HoN to me.
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