1.6 + Xai Problem


I haven't played 1.6 in a long time and i'm experiencing difficulties in moving the mouse cursor there. Every other game works flawlessly with this mouse but in 1.6 the mouse usually strafes off to the left side whenever i try to aim downwards and strafes to the right whenever i aim upwards. 400 dpi no difference to 5000 dpi (or cpi whatever you wanna call it).

I've had no problem playing ET so it can't be about the game's age..
Also newer stuff like HoN or CSS i got no problems there not to mention SC2..

Anybody help? plz

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try changing the mouse filters (m_ in ET, not sure about cs(i play CS but dont know the cmd's))

I have 1.6 and Xai and I on some CS forums and some guy changed it for me with teamviewer so i dont know what he did but it worked for me :D
Probably wrong, but have you got the launch options for CS? Might just be the mouseaccel from the game sir! Not really sure what you mean though and this was the closest thing I could think of as a possible solution :P
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