LoL Rating

Hello CF!

Got a question for lol players. I started playing some ranked games and reached 1407 elo in 9 games, but it doesn't show in my profile, it says I'm still unranked. I can only check my elo at end of game or when inviting people to a game.

How I can see my rating in my profile, how much games I have to play?

U need to play 10 games.
well, some of my friends played 4-5 games and had rating in their profiles (season 1). Is it changed in season 2?
well, I saw it on my brother's profile, rating after 4 or 5 games (it was in season 1)
it only becomes visual after 10 games like feedimojo said
its so ridicilous, retards like u win random 8 of 10 games and get into an 1,5k elo and i am the 1 , who has to play with those fags.... gg!
well, best way to escape from elo hell is to carry games :P i play only my best champ solo top nidalee, but question is how to pick same champion every game? I have 2 friends with elo 1000-1100 and when i go for duo que with one of them i'm always 1st pick because of highest elo. Didn't lost lane on ranked yet with nidalee, less then 2 deaths per ranked, carring like a boss.
but stil...i tried everything. i owned in the solo top lane and still lost the game.. i owned in the middle lane and still lost the gamel... i tried as ad carry and there was no chance for me to get cs because i was vs graves all the time... BUT in 90% of the time i played supporter i won the game because i made our carry get lots of kills and lasthits!! its just the truth. if you play a good supporter u make 2 ppl play good, which is nearly 50% of your team. so the rest really fail any more.. but if u just go for solo top or mid your chance of an failing ad carry lane is enhanced by 80%
ganks from ze jungle!
ye i remeber when i had 14-0-15 and i still fot flamend on TS and a day later i even got kicked from the team.. thats how "edified" roles the scene tbh...

Haha yeah, that initial games ELO boost is absolutely ridicilous and I don't see the point of it.
team up like me and kevin do. Nasus + zilean bot lane.
nasus and zilean bot lane? isnt that waste of nasus? i mean zilean steal too much kills!?"!?
We are on TS? :P And no, he let me farm he plays support zilean.
no range on bot? :O Nasus is better as a solo top!
He might be, but with zilean and my slow + zileans bombs to harass other champs we are completely dominating and raping them apart.
You play on WEST? :{
Yes we do ;)
playing high elo in league of legends is like running in the special olympics
even if u win ur still a retard.
watch out guys... we got a badass right over here...!
u really should just play jungle, that way u can affect every lane on ur team so ur team goes OP/fed or atleast prevent them from sucking too hard, i tried same as u owning top, mid etc. but wont work if one of ur teammates is a fucking 12 year old french/balkan retard who dont know how to play the game properly.
jungling in rankeds in the most frustrating position you can play imo since every newb on your team will blame their deaths on you, because "you never gank" while still pushin the lane like a fucking idiot. in the end you get 4 reports from your team, everyone blames you and you loose elo. but if you are any good you are a killstealer - "you never gank to top and then killsteal, i go afk".
ye idd thats the most frustrating thing in LoL but u really cant do anything about kids playing ranked, but imo a jungler is what decides games in low elo
totally get what you mean but playing ranked just isnt fun (at least for me) because of kids like that
play shen jungle, troll other team.
randomly winning a few games in a row is bringing u up to an elo where u actually shouldnt be. thats why you dont really get an elo at the first 10 games. if you are decent, your win/loss ratio will bring you to that elo anyways.
u need 10games
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