Lineage 2 FREE!

This awsome game just turned free-to-play and its getting massive.

If anyone is going to pick the game up again, let me know.

Also with the lack of "morning" journals, you can use this journal to tell us all how many hot models u banged yesterday, how many times u knifed mental and what are ur plans for today.

Question: Skiing or Snowboarding?

Question2: Ass or Tits ?

Question3: Is it raining atm ?

image: ass1


snowboard; ass; no certainly soon

programming for 3days now hope to finish dat shit to go progayming tonight
whats lineage 2 like? is it like an epic grindfest or something different?
Supposed not to be so much grindy, official server, quests etc....
at least the website looks fairly polished, i think i might give this a try later today
since it's retail it's even more then epic grindfest - not worth to play especially when there are better private servers with more people on then retail, easier to lvl up and not full of bots ; o
how well emulated are the privates? buggy to hell or actually working fine?
when I was searching for servers few months ago I found few that were working fine but I sticked to cerberus which is really nice, but dunno about others right now
how can a private server be better than official except of changed rate and a npc where u buy all gear...
OK... go grind to death then and play on servers which are full of bots. low-medium rate private servers don't have npc with gear, only maybe with 1 & 2 quest marks to change class thats all...
i know how it looks like, friend played on 4x noobwars. and never heard of anti-bot stuff ?
That anti-bot system that allows to run the oldest version of L2-walker?...
Downloading now
downloading , played it like 6 years on private servers :*) b est game ever <3
never played it, but downloading since i'm bored
havent tried either, but would prefer snowboarding i think

ass all the way

lol got it last night, stuck on some quest with some stupid bodies, cant do it cuz theres like 1000 people doing that quest at the same time and stupid shit spawns like 1 per 5 secs
when i played that game, i never did any quest except the noblesse quest and class change quests, just grinded till lvl 76 was it in the past, with killing creeps only D:
epic game is epic.
brb downloading, thx for info

Question: Skiing or Snowboarding?
Snowboarding for beginners, Ski for pros.
Me snowboadring atm cause i only got the time for it once a year for only 1-2 weeks

Question2: Ass or Tits ?

Question3: Is it raining atm ?
Sure is
Lineage 2 Europan official server is going to live in 1 week.
but there is already an european server
There is european server but hosted in US. Only time is based on EU times.
is there any countdown or official date? can't find it
Parent here's official forum. U can find any informations about the server here.
Question: Skiing or Snowboarding?
Question2: Ass or Tits ?
Question3: Is it raining atm ?
yea :(
Question: Skiing

Question2: Eyes & Teeth for me - after Ass

Question3: Yes


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