Lineage 2 FREE!
3 Dec 2011, 15:22
This awsome game just turned free-to-play and its getting massive.
If anyone is going to pick the game up again, let me know.
Also with the lack of "morning" journals, you can use this journal to tell us all how many hot models u banged yesterday, how many times u knifed mental and what are ur plans for today.
Question: Skiing or Snowboarding?
Question2: Ass or Tits ?
Question3: Is it raining atm ?
If anyone is going to pick the game up again, let me know.
Also with the lack of "morning" journals, you can use this journal to tell us all how many hot models u banged yesterday, how many times u knifed mental and what are ur plans for today.
Question: Skiing or Snowboarding?
Question2: Ass or Tits ?
Question3: Is it raining atm ?
programming for 3days now hope to finish dat shit to go progayming tonight
ass all the way
brb downloading, thx for info
Question: Skiing or Snowboarding?
Snowboarding for beginners, Ski for pros.
Me snowboadring atm cause i only got the time for it once a year for only 1-2 weeks
Question2: Ass or Tits ?
Question3: Is it raining atm ?
Sure is
Question2: Ass or Tits ?
Question3: Is it raining atm ?
yea :(
Question2: Eyes & Teeth for me - after Ass
Question3: Yes