What are you drinking?

Sup CF!

Cause it's not the time for a food journal and cause everybody is going out to fuck models and have a blast, share what you are drinking. :)

I'm gonna just chillax at home a bit with some bears and weed, and if the mood is right some Johnnie Walker too.

image: P6180004

image: Johnnie-Walker-RedLabel-lg

So what r u doing? Nerding? waiting for T-Shirt time? Something else?

image: 757f79603136a24f94daa58260b4a6a8_view
Cherry coke!
Herbal tea.
Im drinking dr.pepper and having a hangover.
gimme some! :o
i'll give you duvel, which is even better :D had duvel night at my student appartment this wednesday. I have a black out on some parts of the night :p
i bet someone tried to rape u :o
it was a duvel night with like 10 friends and me and we drank like each 5-6 duvels, and also whisky & eristoff etc. and we decided to go out after that, and when we were on our bike to go to the overpoort (a street with pubs & dancings etc) i said i'm gonna go pick up this girl (the same one i talked to you earlier this week about) to come with me (because she also agreed on that). Then the black holes started to happen. Seems i got safely to the house she had a student appartment party and we met, but then when we left off i crashed with my bike several times on the ground and couldn't get up anymore xD so apparently we just walked back to drop off her things at my place, but i was soo drunk i can't even remember getting there. So she decided we'd best not go to the overpoort anymore & just stay at my place. She said we watched some gossip girl and went to sleep in my bed (FUCK YEAH) together :D and she told me i was teasing her the whole time touching with my hand on her side & back. & also kissing her belly with my mouth :D (but she told me she liked it lol)

and also another friend from the same night that got to the overpoort was so drunk he fell like 20 times and when he came home he went up the stairs with his bike cause he lost his lock (and in the city each bike gets stolen if you don't lock it), and woke up with his bike next to him in his bed :D
hahhaha xDD nice :DD
dark leffe > *
i rather drink blond :p but duvel owns all
yeah most people do.. dunno if i have ever tasted duvel but will see if the O'malleys pub got duvel there!
best beer ever mate :D drink drink!
Not Karhu badass, but still badass enough!!!!
^^ just jk
drinking some image: Gerolsteiner-Sprudel at the moment.. but when i drink some beers i prefer
image: stauder
what the fuck kind of cup of tea is that?
lucozade orange
image: fristi

Green tea and tap water
yakult-vodka shots
sirup because I always drink water and sirup is a welcome change
water atm, just got back from hockey training and im pretty exhausted
pure icelandic water, nothing better
Coca Cola and playing AoE 2 :PPP
probably some bodybuildign stuff cuz watchout zerender is a badass Germany alexL nowLOLOL
yerba mate tea
Red wine haha lol
what's 8.8...like 8.8 Chilean earthquake? o.0
mint tea?

i've started drinking tea (english breakfast tea) when i smoke weed now, amazing combination on a winter morning!
Yes :) Great stuff and easy to make.
Als ich das Bild auf die Schnelle sah, wusste ich, dass du es sein musst. :D
omg du lebst noch!
alles fit senior?
Aber ja, bist du irgendwo zu finden @ IRC?
gott, schon ewig nich mehr imIRC gewesen...muss eh grad noch nur mit linker hand schreiben :/
Beim Keulen wieder dumm angestellt?
anders ;)
aber am montag kommt der gips hoffentlich weg...
Wieso bist du dann dauernd solange weg, wenn du eh nicht zocken kannst? :D
image: jack_daniels

Without the ice, of course.
image: 319682_chocomelk_vol
beers, vodka, malibu :3
i rarely drink alcohol, but if i do...

johnnie walker (usually black label) or single malts

usually just smoke weed and drink milkshake tbh :-D
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