Greeks Y U NO normal, like Estonians?

Why Greeks cannot be like Estonians?
Look, Estonians do appropriate action and ppl don´t protest. In Greece? Oh, come on Geeks!

protesting for injustice is so wrong those people should be killed. why can't everyone be like the finns - shit happens, deal with it.
yep so much world-class shit happening in finland :D
(true, how could you think ill of someone protesting for his rights -.-)
well, basically the same shit is going to hit the fan here, but we are so used to being at the better end of the bargain that we simply don't care. Our politicians keep telling us how EU is such a wonderful thing, justice and equality while at the same time they are transferring all the decision making power to Europe and when it's too late, people are gonna start protesting like everywhere else.

but hey, as long as it's not what the Americans are doing, Kidding, same shit, different asshole
well, imo EU isn't exactly much of a brilliant deal to countries such as yours, since you're afaik a) well off on your own and b) are not necessarily relying on cheap imports either (are you?)

and i have to disappoint you - thats exactly what the german government did aswell (they're so good with numbers *facepalm*)
for example - they spent approx 25 mrd € on a single bank, but not as a gift, but as shares on this bank. the amount of shares they bought were at the time only worth 10 mrd €. after a few weeks the shares were only worth 1.5 mrd €. if thats not a great deal... they could just aswell have burned that money or called it a gift, because after all they were ripped off, and don't even care about it.
widespread corruption, keeping it simple.
and no, you didnt dissapoint me, check the hidden truth from !!!
why can't everyone be like the shit - russian happens, deal with it
i read geeks :(
If everyone was like us austrians, the world would be a better place.

whats to be like austrians?

no, really.
at some point, you are right because there would be no ppl left on this planet
if everyone created hidden families in underground lairs then there could be a emergency workforce of retarded inbreds to boost the economy when needed, and suck off their father when stressed
we just got triple a so suck it
It all comes down if you like getting fucked in the ass or not. If you don't, you do something about it.
why protest.. its ur countrys fault.. EU tried to help u.. now its ur turn to give smth in return..

so fucking deal with it or leave EU
Who do you think they're protesting against? Serious question, I think you've misunderstood something.
actually they keep protesting against the taxes the new government made..

idk what they are talking about.. i understood that.. just wanted to say my opinion once.
Europe's "help" is quite funny. Already when Euro was made it was known that economical stability cannot be achieved in long term but they pushed for it anyway. Even us, Finland are in great debt to the same private bankers as Greece and all the other bailout countries are. Most of each country's tax revenue goes directly into paying this debt or the interest with the rented money THEY gave us. IMF is known for demands that directly break the international laws when it comes to sovereignty of states. Iceland said no to this massive scam and is doing pretty well but do we hear that from the media, All we hear is that the boat is sinking and we are all in it and we MUST do this or that to prevent this absolute catastrophe from happening.
and that's where my optimism ends. imo they're just pushing it away for some time, but on the long run are not achieving anything.
they're doing the same thing over and over again most of the time. if you pump in money it is used to pay off depts while doing the same that brought them into this mess. and if not, it's not enough to make the depts disappear.
and i can't blame the banks doing what they are used to do and not change anything. hey, there are no consequences to them so far, so why care? there is always a second chance and they haven't used their first one so far.
i can only blame our current government for not realising this, and yet just keep watching everything going down the drain.

well actually the EU achieved economical stability, it fullfilled just the purpose over the years. it did, what it was meant to do the last years. though not to everyone, just the bigger countries of the EU. "we" are yet to be left to care, either for everyone or ourselves.
It's all about centralizing power and they've become quite efficient at it.
By giving money to the bankers who got us in this financial crisis? these ppl u support? no wonder that they throw shit at our face if the majority of the ppl is like u and they dont know whats going on at all. with stupid ppl like u they cud keep stealing us forever.

luckily some ppl is doing something about it, and raising up their voices.
because estonian like to eat shit, while greece doesnt agree
Inb4 imabob's comment
they are used to getting paid high without working
I'm well aware of your dumbness and Im not surprised u are saying such an idiotic thing but anyway u dont know jackshit about whats going on in Greece.
Shut the fuck up man. I´m giving 1700€ to help country like greece, portugal, spain, france and italian.

When you will give me my 1700€ back dumbass?

It´s my fail, that your country bought a funds from Greece and now cannot handle economy? Go fuck Greeks!
try reading some of the other comments here to grasp even a little bit of whats going on instead of blaming what they tell you to blame @ media.
Still I paid 1700€ man
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