PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN

Dear CF,
im not sure if my connection is being attacked by multiple ping request so i need some help from you guys.
My ping on teamspeak jumps to over 600, and when im checking router logs i get "PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN" with different types of ips.
Contacted my internet provided but they told my its my fault.
My router is DIR-600
reset router&get a new ip

Its funny how I crave a static :(
thats reality...
i told ma friends to attack ya
why would you do that ? :(
reality hits u hard bro
It's your fault.
First result @ google for "PING-FLOODING flooding attack from WAN"
Nobody would be stupid enough to make a journal without checking at least the first Google hit... Right? Right???
i only checked like 5 first search lazy, gonna pass it to crossfire community.
My nose is bleeding
the router got now ip-flood protection? Then you can only change your IP.
Have you stepped on someone's toes and he's trying to get back to you?

And it's not YOUR fault! You are paying the provider and he gotta provide you with bandwidth no matter what. Tell em to change your IP.
its a dynamic ip, and no i didn't piss anyone off :)
had to change my router for an older one, because the flood protection doesnt work on my dlink :(
Then simply turning your router off for a few hours SHOULD change your IP.

Just got to hope the IP is accounted for somewhere else in your table-district. This sort of thing is annoying and I wish you the best of luck!
so now its fine?
sorry for the late reply but i dont use crossfire almost at all.
yes with the wired router everything works fine
QuoteCountry: PL

There's your problem :)
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