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You have such a good heart...
Recent Comments:

Lol, they made town looking like ET map. S...
You have such a good heart...
2 weeks max.
What joins what?
Delite it plz!
Didn't play any of them.
Community badass?:D
putted, hihi
Who gives a fuck about your criminal brother?
I don't care.
Recent Comments:

Recent Comments: Lol, they made town l...
Member For: 10 months and 27 days Do yo...
I love you baggiez :')
should i play this game?
fdnl = bangelijk,but yeah they deserve an...
fist video looks like inception trailer...
Played some wolfenstein on a cracked serve...
Skyrim was fun for three to four days, but...
i like where this is going
Recent Comments:

i like where this is going
b2poland und du?
you were supposed to ask ppl about the stu...
renault clio
this man knows right.
im in house of this wery goot player. jelly?
wery good joke
jungle changes suck donkeyballs creeps...
who doesnt
ye, conclusion is pretty obvious: crossfire comments are still all about whine and flame :P
But it's like that for few years already.
Actually thats a false conclusion, it was the point overdrive was trying to make (that Woozman contributes fuck all in his comments) but then Woozman posted overdrives which are conversational and only proved the original point right. No?
When you put it like that - well, I see what you mean, but I haven't been on crossfire for some time, and raised my bar of "conversational comment" higher. I mean, at least first three comments definitely looks like random ranting:

Recent Comments: Lol, they made town l...
Member For: 10 months and 27 days Do yo...

and it's not really that much better later ;) Not that I try to accuse anyone of anything, I haven't seen the full text, and you're right that it's still above crossfire's standards.
Where did you go? :(
Is that personal advertising or something? :P

After I holded making big YAE update halfway through, I lost interest in visiting ET community as it is right now. My ET buddies don't play ET anymore, and it's more fun playing other games with them.

The crossfire community got worse with time, maybe due to lack of control, maybe just because it really got worse. Anyway, usually it's not really fiun to discuss here (especially for polish guy, tbh), I'm not playing ET actively atm, and the news here doesn't cover all games, so I started visiting only game news websites.

Though I still CF it every now and then, so it must still have some potential ;)
That viewpoint is quite interesting - what types of gamenews do you read?
Hm, I don't really have my favorite website (most of them are too easily fooled by marketing and hype), so I just visit few to see different viewpoints. I usually read informations about upcoming multiplayer games or good rpgs, sometimes indie titles, and while some of them are also covered here, most newses here are strictly informative, and does not contain any opinions. Of course, one could always read comments, but you'd have to scroll through masses of random offtopic, which most of the time is not creative or funny. Currently it makes no sense to visit crossfire when you're not into flaming nor ET, as you can read more interesting content elsewhere.

While I'm not blaming anyone, this website was always about ET and it's not community, other websites are more interesting for me at the moment.
The community made it worse man. From 90% helpful and kind users to 10%...
all this stupid trolling and spamming pictures stuff is killing it =(
Did you happen to see his 500th premiershi...
Surely it has to be Guardiola as he won ev...
Actually thats a false conclusion, it was...
I dont
That type of attitude held that team back...
well thats not true, I'm pretty sure a lin...
Want to believe...
CF public server for various games
You should sponsor crossfire than this adv...
Bits I watched was real easy for anexis
sneak eim is sneaky
lots of people don't read reddit so just l...
not new, but still cheers ;)
Your post is copy pasted from their website.
They don't pay you for the referrals, many people have been scammed by them.
referral journal and still here? lole
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