League of Legends VoliVoli

Dat Volibear, good fun with 6k health

on a side note who one crossfire keeps tabs on the competitive scene for LoL?
6k versus feeders ? =DD
with 3 warmogs its pretty easyz
easy for kog'maw + madreds =DD
everyday i come home first thing i do is 2-3 tabs of pro's streaming then i do my daily shit and play sometimes LoL myself

the tips they give are very nice
nerds in our teamspeak play LoL 24/7
image: M1uCw
merl at LoL ? NOOOOOO :'(
on a side note who one crossfire keeps tabs on the competitive scene for LoL?
nice w dmg :-) sadly it has a very long cooldown w/o cdr >:(
there is no such thing as a "competitive" scene in LoL.
Casual game is casual
5 milion $ pls.
Casual game is casual.
its still a casual game no matter what prices they have.
11 million active players a month, doesn't take a genious to realise it is casual ;)
Competitive and casual aren't mutually exclusive.
following most of the competition when I can/don't miss it
good that ppl don't know how to play him, yet !
I watch streams, follow tournaments etc. but wouldn't call me a LoL expert :p
haha yea but he is max fun with his health and stuff :P especially with a good healer or Zilean
Enjoy while you can!
haven't played since skyrim came out, they redid masteries, changed jungle and added a few champions. No time and cba to catch up :P
had the same problem but it's even easier now.
you get 6 bans now in ranked, but people still seem to be able to fuck up in champ select
6 bans, nice. 8 would be even better! :D
Ye, I've heard it's easier now, but I was still rather new and spent alot of time getting comfortable with some of the jungle routes. Jungle being easier isn't a plus for me, now even bad junglers can jungle efficiently? :s

On the other hand, might actually mean that jungling is more viable in random blind or draft games (which I usually play)?
the main idea of changing the jungle was that people that were not yet summoner level 30 would be able to jungle without needing all the runes/masteries, however they've already been changing it around a bit to make it more suitable for competitive/"serious" play.
I guess, but reason I liked it was because it was different from normal play and usually harder, same reason I prefer support :)
wouldn't say more viable cuz u get less xp for each camp because they are 'easier' but they spawn faster so .. just weird atm.

For the new masteries, i think they are better than before.

still same problem after every patch .. op champs
Who is OP atm?
volibear pretty good
fizz real stronk
shaco real danger if played correctly
morgana + sion still usual bans
skarner 2 stronk
hmm, can't really come up with any others atm
graves still a sturdy carry who can also burst? :P
Graves still shines early.
Scales quite bad late game compared to some other carries(tristana, vayne for example)due short autoattack range.
jungle is completely shit now anyway, dont think they've released the hotfix for it yet they've been planning since the rework :S
W confirmed to be nerfed next patch.
really? i mean its a strong skill, but with static 18 sec cooldown its not that op again... dont get riot -__-
it is op.
op as fuck
fucking op
ask vaynes additional true dmg per each fucking hit.
what are you trying to say
voli seems fun yes, and yes im following the competetive scene. its fun to see the meta shift @ picks and stuff
I got some stream rolling on my TV pretty much 24/7. Watching Dyrus everytime he streams cuz hes awsum.

and yuz, i follow the competitive scene
haven't played in months but i can still enjoy a game of LoL when i play it
What scene....CLG,EPIK,TSM @ NA, and SK,fnatic and 1/2 teams in EU.
come out of your cave much more upcomming teams are playing atm, clg and sk got raped @ kiev quali's

edit: and u forgot dignitas, they are faggots though
Pwning the shizzle with kevin,
Pwning the shizzle with domi,
NetherlandsFutimojo bestest lol player around
Miss Fortune :3333
Nah, do you think you could send someone to italy to pick up my favourite drink?
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