ET merc action tonight

time to play this wonderful game again.
tonight ill be merc'in so watch out guys better prepare to lose.
im the best, over and out

e: i know you all have an asian fetish
image: 1323071874926
and you are complaining about my "shitty" journals?

bro pls, my journals are 10x better than yours ;(
thats because u have awesome chicks and this has none
awesome content bro
The truth has spoken!
add some tits and this journal is just fine.
Actually tbh I don't find asians attractive >_>
agree with you but its prolly because you can never be 100% sure that the "chick" doesnt have a dick
:D true story xD naah I donno there's just something about them I don't like. I'm sure some of them are nice looking and hell I'd fuck anything sooo
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hahaha metti und et :DDD
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