7 Dec 2011, 16:37
Hi to you ladies and gentlemen,
since I haven't written a journal for so long I've decided to make one today. Such a beautiful day after Olympique de Marseille's victory eheheheh.
Anyway, I'm here for a serious purpose.
follow.et Professional Hardcore Addicted Gayming eSport team since 2008 has seen a lot of champions in its ranks but some of them have disappeared.
That's why I wrote this journal in order to have news about my old players.
The following ones are missing :
aksu - Finnish legend loved by both #bd.com & #follow.et disappeared after getting back from finnish battlefields.
/aNg_ - Emo/homosex german guy who was locked by his mum outside of the home to make him avoid computerz.
Stouda - Epic baritone singer, he taught me epic song "Look at my horse"
mlo - He promised me to share his gf with me
j1nx - Businessman playing computer gaymes also disappeared of W:ET community
Hans - Polish friend of our almighty rafek recruited back in 2008 by follow.et co-creator manager TouZe.
***You can let us know if you miss someone (gayming related dont give a fuck about your real life stories <insert one of Casek's cool pics.jpg>) and maybe you'll get news of them.
Best regards,
CoCo, played him few months ago, but why did he suddenly disappear?
and sometimes sticked AnTho. Sometimes.