My remix of Save the world! (Dubstep)

just finished it!

tbh I could make it better by many ways but as long as I have my shitty homestudio I'm not bothered to do it! -.-

for people who are interested.. I'm using fruity loops (lölö :D) and most of the sounds are made with Massive ofc!

Off to school soon.. have a nice day!
ps. Remember to put it to HD (720p)
noooooooooooooooob what are you doing nowadays
nothing rly.. I'm saying to every1 that I have school.. but not really put much effort to it. buying a new pc asap and start SC2 and a little bit ET too :p

also played a lot of poker which went ok and then not so ok but I'm up a bit from it. having a break atm and continuing it after I've finished school.. otherwise I will play all day all night.. WHAT THE FUCK :D (haha)

sup with you? I heard you are a noob in SC2? :))
sc2 bro :) smart move, ll cu on the battlefield, u ll never be better than me there bitch! hint me up when u get the game...or get on irc sometimes :/
haha, I will crush u after 1 month of playing, wanna bet? :D

just joking..

will do
Yes bet! unless u takea protoss,then u can beat me easily
I've always been told that FL sucks too. After that one of the best upcoming DJ's announced he was using FL :P. Even Armin was like: WTF, how do you make those sounds?

Proof. Wait for it... BAM :)

Edit: I'm using Ableton :>
well lets say it this way. FL ain't that bad, it's just hard to make pro tunes with it since it's pretty hard to do the "pro" stuff :D. It's good for beginners like me though!

my bro is using ableton and I'm making a tune together with him. The program seems a lot more complicated to me than FL but some really cool stuff is very easy to do :o

btw nice link! and have you finished any tunes? would be cool to hear :)) guess it's trance?
Hehe good guess :D! I made one tune when I just started.. it's not that good. Working on another one right now. It's going great with that one : > I will send you a message when it's finished.
ok cool! looking forward to it =)
In Australia, Fruity Loops is a breakfast cereal ":}
In Belgium aswell
hebben belgen pop tarts van kellogs zo ja ik kom eff kopen
zoek is op google, staat dat ze dat in nederland verkopen, je kant zelfs online bestellen lololol
jah maar duur jong echt wajoh. ik wil ze weer voor 2 euro per pak kunnen kopen. Ideetje om naar kellogs te schrijven?
dubstep sucks donkey dick
not bad comparing to your last song lol better u start remix some known songs! Is easier for u to evolve and start getting some feedback, imo.

prac hard go pro

ps: one of my favourite dubstep songs
Sounds ok.
Not terrible.
shit tha
That just doesn't work, sry
i hear crackling...
Sdurrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiii yo
Who you mean you are? B-Complex?!?!

No, it´s rly good ;)
Get live.
sounds nice :) shared on fb
mmmmm program used ? anyway make it more original..sick to listen always the same shits
Why u changed nation :(
voglio hittare l'aria ! psicologia adattiva
Ahahahahahahaja!!!! Vuoi warpare tbh!!
:D! le provo tutte
Matiazatej =O
its not about the DAW its about the skills

dont like dubstep

also protip: read about mastering
i rlly like, nice work :)
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