help in sake of xmas spirit :)


im going to buy new pc and... i would like to ask, what would u suggest me to buy when it has to be

-samsung laptop: ill be moving a lot next year -> laptop... samsung bc dad said he has connections to get samsungs cheaper bc he has this "guy" for it)

-price 1000e max and its no problem to be on the limit cus i dont have else to do with that money but thats all i got so far for pc to buy...

-hell of a game machine? dont need web cams or wireless internets inside the pc or fucking finger print detectors etc crap thats bullshit and just makes it cost more :D

any help appreciated
Have an ASUS Laptop. Im confident with it... :)

e: if you got so much money then buy some presents for your family for christmas ;)
got this money from family to buy this computer so its only for this purpose, i do have money for other uses, its not like i will live on edge to get pc :D i think...

for fintards, any ideas of this one:

kysyn koska oon oikeasti kujalla :/
*shrug* I'm looking to get the Asus UX31 in march unless a better ultrabook is released by then. Only reason I want it over a MBA is the screen resolution and it is cheaper lol the other ultrabooks are lacking some, if they bumped to 1600x900 the Asus then I'd have some options
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