Can Men & Women be just friends?
9 Dec 2011, 17:49
So this is why it's so hard to explain it to women cuz they live in self-denial about it.
Anyone living in an open relationship, gratz for breaking the dogma?
Is it really the solution forl the problems or do we need to go deeper (or simpler) and ask Barney Stinson:
Suit up?! What do you think? what kind of relationship rocks da socks?
and no, i don't have an open relationship
here s smt to cheer u up:
2,being friends.. I think I misunderstood concept of friendship then. I like girls around me, I am friend with them. and fact I would like to have something with them doesnt change a thing. we are still friends.
But on the subject itself, it's very difficult to pinpoint an answer. Everybody is totally different and feels and reacts differently to situations.
Personally, I have about 4/5 close girl friends, and yeah, I would hook up with 2 of them if I had the chance, but I dont need to because If the worst was to happen, I'd lose a friend and I couldn't live without them.
Btw, we need more discussions like this on here!!
can't talk with a girl about man shit when you can talk about man shit with a guy, can't talk with a girl about how you bended over that girl last night and she had a fucking bush between her legs or shit like that
got ofcourse girl friends, but no that close to call them "friends"
friend is a deep word(?)
I'm not jealous if she dates a boy, and same story for me.
And tbh, i don't think i could get an erection in front of her..
Do you guys only hang out with girls you want to bang? I have female friends who I wouldn't do if I were piss-drunk.
of course we're going to have "these feelings", but that doesnt mean that we can't be just friends..
its pretty cool
but if i would fall in love with her, there are 2 options
you either become lovers
or your open relationship turns shit cause you'll get jealous, ending it and you'll feel shit
probably im just too beta for that shit, but damn, nothing has ever felt so hard to do like dat
and also "love" and "would do her" are totally different, i would probably do all of my female friends, but im only in love with only this very person
but what i fear the most, is the awkward situations whenever we meet to party/study/do other stuff etc when she rejected me (shes pretty sweet, so that doesnt make it easier (im good looking too, but well...i dont know how high her claims are so im kinda scared ;(
There are situations when this isn't the case, everyone's had a friends with benefits scenario, at the root of that you're still friends, banging or not.
I have female friends whom I am very close with, some I've shared beds with that we just have absolutely no interest in each other that way. We're not "just" friends because that sounds like we're less than something we want to be. We are not, we are perfectly content being good friends.
"Just" friends is such a retarded way of phrasing it.
Your girlfriend?
fucked them and were friends like always. shits cool.
same goes just as well when a guy likes to be around a chick but she isnt hot enough to hook up with.
friends zone = male and female are friends but one is exponentially hotter