Todays is today

ye? today is today :D.

So i woke up after seeing multiple different dreams, last one was where i played with Finland SAMPLE&REIKKERI (like good ol' days) 3o3 versus United Kingdom ROSS RAZZ & kamz, i made like 92 headshots on one round of goldrush and we won obv like always, just like Finland KRP has 20 match winning spree on 3o3 ladder ( real champs )!!! ding ding ding

I just got my jacket back and while i was on getting it i went to shop to buy smokes & BEARS, so CRAZYpartying tonight ;))):

What u guys up to tonight? Like i said im gonna CRAZYparty and sniff some coke from womens asses and shit, the normal thing., hope niggers dont attack on me tonight so i dont need to knock em all down image: img0385x
image: curb_stomp_1 !!!

what u guys up to?

Shoutout to: Estonia duNzy & Finland Altsi

And remember kids; game aint over until its over.
gl hf gear up.
I'll just be awesome today.
sounds like good 3on3 like back in't day
92 headshots in a 3on3 on goldrush ?

you were obviously defending first and needed the fully time on attack, right?

anyway well done
Teach me how to dougie, teach me, teach me how to dougie
i saw a dream too. I had to kill my parents, because they were the enemy side. then i woke up xD

Now I go to a friend and enjoy a "few" bears.

you are is my idol

image: bgwg2e
gonna sleep for hour or two then party on like yesterday ( massive bears +boobs)
mIND i have song for yo mate! "Travie McCoy: Billionaire ft. Bruno Mars" You have millions so next target will be billion.
if today is today, does it mean yesterday was yesterday?
yes, yesterday was yesterday, are u stupid? :D:D
But yesterday was today yesterday, and it was tomorrow the day before yesterday and the day after tomorrow the day before that.
DiNg DiNg DiNg
ye but on gtv always so shit.

Quote hope niggers dont attack on me tonight so i dont need to knock em all down

20:36 < tROP1C> miNd` m8 wanna play with us? need a pro like u :pp
20:37 < miNd`> not ur m8 fuck off.

i only use those names on irc:


everybody saw your fail quote on ettv tho.

e: nice edit, mr fake quotes ;d
Tropic please don't tell me you asked him to merc.
never did, he even fails at making fake quotes.

< tROP1c>
Gonna break his arms at lan NP
Quote< tROP1c>

this is how i my irc makes it look, retard
but my name has never been tROP1c on irc ?
:D hf marko m8
lol nice lineup, toobad noone comes to estonia :[
:D everyone coming to belgium! scene is getting big
ty bro.. \o
cant even believe someone watches this serie, i mean really?
can't even believe someone dreams about et and headshots, i mean really?
i think its pretty normal to dream about something u've done for years
this couldn't be a real dream because you had woken up so fast and so excited that you had to make this journal
i woke up hours before this journal :l
going in mates party in an hour or so, drinking lot of booze and heading to bar later on!
Good stuff miNd. Sniffing coke from women asshool and bear = perfect ingredients for sick party.
what u gonna do tonight? read a book??

image: 337b22ef-87d7-46f9-8618-8ff692bf3a43
rofl nice burn!!
I think you're jelly because he can read
i think u're right
seeeems decent, big tune!
lol this is not even a drunk journal, what is wrong with you :p
i wasnt drunk when i made this!!
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