ESL wire if TZAC shut down

What do you think about that?
Why no one talked about it yet?
One thing.....

thats a good program, I already played with this because I played some offis bfbc2 and bf3. GOOD IDEA!
smells funny, i dont like it
because ppl are always scared of what they dont know
Remember with slac, was kinda hard to trust an ex cheater and his anticheat
i dont use slac either, smells funny
then your point is useless since your not an ET player anymore :(
i think his issues are health related... most likely a smelling problem
Recommended specifications
CPU: SingleCore: 3 GHz | MultiCore: 2,5 GHz
RAM: 2048 MB
OS: Windows XP SP3 32bit
Windows Vista SP2
Windows 7 SP1


a virus ?

"These specifications are recommended, but that doesn't mean that the program cannot run on PC with lower specifications. The main influence has the game, so you should always check the system requirements for the game you want to play."
no plausible justification for those requirements
they just said it depends of the game you use ESL wire for :)
omfg thats like specs of the stoneage, dont go full retard just cuz you dont have a decent pc..
my pc is not the problem, it can handle everything

now, those specs are awesome for an anticheat

then wtf are you complaining about
u dont find anything strange on those specs ?

wtf do i care whether its a heavy program or not, as long as it works
ESL Wife , what a joke
so what? if there is no more TZAC we should all stop playing ET? or play with cheaters?
Argue please
Bah écoute , les ladders ESL sur ET sont mort , et ESL Wire est trop vulnérable
y'a la wintercup qui vient d'être annoncée et puis le retour de la 6o6 ladder :D
et puis ESL wire peut être utilisé pour d'autres compétitions non?
En ce qui concerne la vulnérabilité malheureusement si TZAC n'est plus on a pas trop d'autres alternatives :/
Won't use it.
do you play with tzac?
Only when I have to, sure.
Can't be bothered with anything any more, just the same with all the data collection shit too.

I'm just happy playing at random pubs and stuffs
yes i understand, but thats because tzac is still running mate, what when it wont be anymore...
Try it. Better some anticheat than no anticheat
It's very good actually.
Busted many many cheaters @ Counterstrike source
lets switch now, tzac is useless anyway atm
looks good
Is there any option to see ingame who's using it?
good to hear :)
Waiting for Foamea's feedback. I guess it'd be the right choice to save what's left from the community :)
check below :)
I remember betatesting it for ET. It surely would be better than nothing (if TZAC dies), but I would not expect major support or development from the ESL side except the activity in the ET action would significantly rise due to this. Considering you can only use it for ESL matches this should happen, but even combined ESL and CB ladder activity is far from what is needed to gather interest in ET from ESL officials I am afraid.

Its all about activity and matches ;)
We were thinking of introducing ESL Wire before SLAC/TZAC was in the attention. So the time alocated for testing the ESL Wire in the ET section was decreased due to already having an anticheat, at that time.

However, we're now looking into it as it will probably be the only proper anticheat that ET will have, and it will be updated a lot, hopefully. ;)

Still, it will be available only for ESL official matches(seasonal leagues, ladder matches), gather matches and for other features that we want to implement.
That's a pitty :/ You can't realease for praccs games (irc) at least ?
Even if we can't use it on CB it's no big deal.

What we need basically is a league, a ladder, pracc games with a decent anticheat.
You're not going to be able to use it for IRC matches, only because it's meant to be used on ESL...

But you could use the ESL ladder/gather system to prac, and there you go, you can use the anti-cheat.
Honestly I think it would be awesome to play 6v6 'pracs' as 6v6 officials (in ladder)!
sarcasm or not, ladders are made for players to practice before an important competition...
Not sarcasm. I hate playing just orginal 'prac' wars and would like to play officials as a prac war. Why? Because original pracs mean nothing!
You mean we'd have to set up a game on in order to pracc vs another team ? oO
It takes too long :x
That could change with ESL Wire as everyone will play ESL ladders :D!
I understand your POV but you have to admit that, when it's a usual pracc day, it's way easier to go on IRC, type 6v6 anyskill hs and get the ip.
People cba connecting to a website, play an official ladder game, wait for it to be accepted, have to set it up to a specific hour and everything that goes with ESL conditions. It's way more restrictive and I think that you should extend ESL Wire's specificities to ET itself, not only ET+ESL.

That's my POV. And I think yours, even if I'd do that myself, would kill the community.
Thought already of taking chaplja in your ranks?
QuoteIt is correct that Wire Anti-Cheat collects and saves information.

So not gonna download it
The german law is pretty strict about collecting "personal data". So don't worry about that... :)
I just don't feel comfortable about it tbh. Which data will be saved? What if I have some data on my pc about my bank account or something.
I already said that your personal data(as in bank account etc etc) won't be collected due to german law which prohibits it...
QuoteIt is correct that Wire Anti-Cheat collects and saves information. What information is collected is listed in the Licence Agreement. The collecting of data is exclusively used to find Cheaters and their possible Fake Accounts. No data or information about your pattern of use is accessible to a third party.

Read the agreement before asking. You can still deny it if you disagree with it, that's the whole point of an agreement even though most people never read them.
Couldnt find the Agreement, but I didn;t really looked for it that hard
definately less than Punkbuster and maybe even less than TZAC ever saved (no idea about TZAC here) ;)
you are right here bro ;) hai :P
hi noob, we no longer coworkers :<
;( i miss it =(
C'est pas un nouvelle anticheat qu'on a besoin mais un nouveau jeux.
Useless answer, wrong forum, go play another game.
Can't ESL take chaplja and make it ESL-AC or someth?

Because no offense to ESL Wire, but I don't think it can do the same job as chaplja did on tzac.
and now the main question:

tzac / slac / etpro / was MADE in first instance ONLY FOR ET. Later on, some other games were added, but ET was the main aim from that AC.

How the **** do you pretend an AC developed for ~20 games or so to work better than chaplja's ?

It may work better, or not, that's obviously a question you will never have an answer unless it gets 'officialy' used.
I don't get your point, I don't like the language you use tho :o
what don't you understand? i admit my english sucks, but thought it might be understood :x
I can't understand what side you pick.. ESL Wire of TZAC :/
it's not about the anticheat guys, it's all about 6on6! ^^
it's all about business
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