ET 1 core cmd

I wanna know how can i run ET in 1 single core: using the Core optimizer how can i run it with tzac ?

hai provato col task manager? io faccio cosi...
c'è un programma che ti forza a farlo partire con 1 lo fai dal taskmanager ogni tanto cambia affinità da solo..
come non detto :)
EasyToolz no problem with TZAC.
whaz that ?
tzac death
isnt et running automatically on 1 core :O?
ye but someone told me that usually windows switch cores..
Lol what the hell do you talk about?

Wolf:ET is based on Q3,Q3 doesn't support multi cores.
You are always running at single core.
nahh it can run on dualcore, but it lowers fps a lot, hence why people look for fixes to make it run on single core
that was when we still used pb, it was meant to run ET on one core and the PB services on the other core, so it didn't lag that much ^^
Threads are shared between cores, so technically it is using '2 cores', but not optimised.

My app does work, and injects before runtime & also assigns some properties to ET to improve the performance in some aspects.

I have another fix which I needed to implement, which would improve the FPS and on larger maps, or smaller maps with more curves (for a lack of a better word in my head).

Improved my FPS on Goldrush from 80 to 100, so it works... and very simple.
does it work for win 7 64bit ?
It does, you need to have .NET Framework 4.0 installed.

Windows XP 32bit
Windows XP 64bit
Windows Vista - Home, premium etc.. 32bit
Windows Vista - Home, premium etc... 64bit
Windows 7 - Home, premium etc... 32bit
Windows 7 - Home, premium etc... 64bit

Requirements: .NET Framework 4.0
i got the v1.4 doenst work for there any option to use it with tzac ?
ciao vito
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