school journal

Whats your approach to school. Do you really think that the notes are really important for yours future - i mean good notes = good living in future and vice versa bad notes = bad living in future?

Or its just a bullshit and it does not take any effect in future?

Ofc im mostly asking for a subjects which wont be associated with work you will be doin in future. Its ofc that when someone wants to become a Programmer/Data base admin or w/e then maths is a must but what about a subjects like biology or chemist, is it worth to learn lots of them or it is better to give more time for learnin maths which'll be usefull in future
Bullshit ofc
Bullshit, fucked up system, let's burn all schools down
tell'em blackie!
In school you just learn how to learn. Nothing more (ofc math and languages are pretty important to know.)
Yea, I am in mathematical profiled class and im learnin only maths, physics and english, and its weird for me that ppl in my class learn every subject in style of "1.Learn, 2.Get the good note, 3.Forget about this what i learned since i already got the good note from this material". It is pretty retarded for me and Im wondering if the notes in high school take a effect in future.
In those classes they do affect your future in most cases, as nearly every job needs maths
Yeah maths, english do but what about a biology, chemists etc, you know its good to have a overall knowledge but is it worth to study hard at night some shit you're not intrested in? just to get a good note?
Well problem is just if your numerus clausus isnt good enough, its hard to get a job/place in university
To get to the university i need just pass for 75% maths matura exam after high school so imo i shouldnt waste my time on other subjects since i will not even be passing them after high school
good basic knowledge is always good!
You learn how to learn? I don't think so.
dunno im in the army
Army is ok, my great-grandfather was in US Navy in WW2, and my grandfather(his son) was in US Airforce in Korean conflict :D
wasnt your grandfather janusz korczak helping little jewish kids in the ghetto?
not not;p

My great-grandfather was on pearl harbour and after the japanese attack on it he entered US Sterett destroyer as a non-comissioned officer.

About my grandfather I don't have a much info I know only that he was in airforces.

Anyway i would go to the army too, but polish army is retarded and poor :x
Saw your grandfather while I was in Poland this summer. Think I caught him by surprises because he was still wearing his pyjamas, must've just woken up.
im just gonna tell u, 7/10 from what ulearn at school u dont even use, ever. imma give u an example

i want to become a biology teacher. for this i need a degree in HBO which is one class/grade lower than university. i get all this shit about DNA transfer and bacteria investigation etc. its very deep into the stuff i gotta learn, dont think u can go deeper than this.
and for what do i need to learn all of this? to become a teacher in a "middelbare school" (basically giving the most basic biology lessons to kids from 12-14 year old).

Why the fuck should i ever need to learn ALL that shit just so i can give the most basic info about biology to kids from 12-14 year old? and im not even talking about a single cell but more like, whats a carnivore, whats a plant. it just doesnt make any sence really

E: school is so broken, the only reason its like this is because of the government demanding a specific amount of hours a school has to give students. thats why u get all of those "side-studies" u will NEVER need to know for a job, just so the school can fill up the demanded hours given from the government.
QuoteWhy the fuck should i ever need to learn ALL that shit just so i can give the most basic info about biology to kids from 12-14 year old?

that's a million dollar question. but it's been like that alawys, doesn't matter what u choose to study, and it will always be like that.
Um dude it is pretty important to know all that i only did VMBO-TL and i learnt all that stuff just not as deep as you go into on HBO level.
the gap of my knowledge about biology and the material i actually need to teach them is so big its ridiculous. sure its important to have a big background about ur subject ofc but not THIS deep. what im learning now should be equilavent to teaching at MBO level, imo
Is het enige wat je kan doen met jouw studie leraar worden? Dat denk ik niet dus mogelijk is het voor andere wel nuttig.
jah tuurlijk ma mijn punt is wrm zou je helemaal HBO nodig hebben, al die wijsheid die je daar krijgt en dan vervolgens daarmee weer helemaal terug gaan naar de basis, je kan net zo goed met een MBO diploma aan de slag als leraar. Geloof me toen ik zo oud was heb ik alleen maar een beetje geleerd van "wat is een carnivoor, herbivoor, functies van je oren, ogen" etc. hoef je egt geen HBO voor te doen. De functie leraar is gwn een te hoge opleiding voor het uiteindelijke werk wat je gaat doen. dat ist

Ik deed VMBO k/t voordat je vraagt.
Based on your logic, a 15 year old who had just sucessfully passed the previous class could teach biology to 14 year olds.
Yes there is a kid in holland who is in 4th year VWO and is teaching 2nd Year VWO because the math teacher is sick he's getting paid big bucks to do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
no since that gap is too small, what i basically am trying to say is that the education u need to become a teacher is simply too high for the actual work u are gonna do.
jak nazywa sie czlowiek noz? JANUSZ.
pierdol szkole zostan ninja
kopacze rowow tez duzo zarabiaja :XD
czekaj czekaj, to Ty ostatnio pisales w jakims journalu, ze pierdolisz szkole i tylko na 2 chcesz zdac
mowilem ze 2 styknie bo styknie
po chuj mi tam jakas chemia czy biologia
Seeing how you can get into way better schools with a good overall or GPA, I think devoting some time to 'the other' subjects you are not really passionate about is still not a bad idea.
yes notes are very important at school, because without notes you dont know what to learn for a test
school sucks beer is best
If you are interested it "exploring" life/world just study one of these: physic, biology, chemistry (and subgroups that come from these main subjects) and I think history, math + native/foreign languages.

If it's not what you expect from life - go ahead and do what you want. There are so many different things to do. It's just harder to get by when you are supposed to make money out of your hobby/interest. Although, when it's succeed - you are one of all these luckers who are the happiest persons alive.

If you can't be arsed with studying in high school, take a look at technical secondary school and do so-called hard job. I guess you just cannot sit on a meadow and do nothing, unless you are in one of some african tribs (which, in fact, is not a bad option).
its not like i cba to learn, im just wondering if it will be better for me if I will learn more maths, physics(something im intrested in, also my future work will come with maths) instead of learnin biology, chemistry(something im not intrested in) just to get a good note.
Well, I think you shouldn't study to have good grades. You are supposed to study to have a bigger knowledge. If you are not interested in certain subject and you are in high school, just pass a year while focusing on your interested subjects.

You have to get to know something to understand if you wan't to go deeper and know more, or not. On a 'high school' level, so at the age of 16-19 you know what you want to do, more or less. You have many options to choose from. If one doesn't fit, take another.
If youre interested in studying on some technical faculity, chemistry could be pretty usefull because u gotta learn about materials engineering and some other connected, more or less important stuff.
Quote im just wondering if it will be better for me if I will learn more maths, physics(something im intrested in, also my future work will come with maths) instead of learnin biology, chemistry(something im not intrested in) just to get a good note.
just because YOU are not interested or wont need more knowledge of biology or chemistry, doesnt mean it's not useful for others.


thats exacly my point, ppl who are intrested in chemistry and it may be useful for them should learn it more than me
i always was one of the best at school, now passing exams at university like a boss. grades are very important considering they can both open up opportunities (university) and also close them down (you cant get it if you suck @ school).

dont mix up intellegence with education. those are two totally different things
i was always medish at school always medish at life, fucking high in my mind
Just think of someone who constantly gets better grades than you

Don't get jealous, get even :)
finished technicial 4 years school thingy, got a job now, fuck universities and studying going to earn enough for some nice equipment to make dnb and after taht everything is possible with putting enough hard work into it.

also i can dj so np future is bright my son.
in our rütlischool we learn to beat up all germans
bullshit, school is just to have fun and fuck bitches
high school = irrelevant
University/college = relevant
highschool should teach a bit of every field imo, so you get some basic knowledge of everything, but more importantly you can discover what really interests you.
if you already know what you want to do and are completely sure thats exactly it, id still suggest taking humanitarian subjects such as literature and languages, since they exercise your brain in a different way.
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