Laptop Bluescreening

Friends, i have a chilling tale for you.

A couple of days ago, my laptop bluescreened for the first time (had it a little less than 2 years). I thought at the time, its probs just a one off, np, it'll get better. However, it bluescreened again (with the same error message, as far as i know) just now.
The error message seemed to be hardware related, but it only popped up for a little while before my laptop restarted like a phaaag.

e:model of laptop = HP Pavilion dv6 2114-SA

I have a few questions bros, because this has got me a little worried, and i don't know shit about this, so a helpful answer would be appreciated:

1) Would a format+reinstall help/solve the problem?

2) What causes a bluescreen? Is it usually hardware, or software (drivers etc?)

3) Should i start looking at laptops to buy? And if so, what brands? (my current + previous laptop were HP, and they have both bluescreened in a similar way :/ )

e: 4) my laptop has been getting noticeably slower recently for no real reason - could this be related to the bluescreening? (and both times FM12 (which takes a lot of processing power) has been open)

friends, your cooperation here would be delightful. For every useful answer, i will add one randomchick to the bottom of the journal, addressed to the person who gave the good answer.

Good day,


image: random_girl_portrait_by_slipgatecentral
image: 492734
image: cheryl_cole_sexy_chick__1280x800
Good day,

niSmO aka Joe - Chief of communication at

Format C

now gimme chick
This, my friends, is an example of a bad answer, and will not be rewarded.
i had a problem with my old laptop, it kept bluescreening randomly and then I couldn't even start it anymore without it bluescreening half-way through, so I took it to fixing and it turned out 1 of my RAM-nests(?) was damaged

cool story?

take it to fixing
i will take it to a fixing place and see what they can find probably, dont want to get a new laptop really, simply because its a fuckload of cost :/

will add a ~average chick in a sec, because this answer is ~average
had this problem too, but after some analsex it dissapear. sooo try that!
reported, ban
number of bluescreen?
just type it in goolge and it might help
any idea how to get the number of bluescreen after ti has happened? it dissappears very quickly when it does happen
Go to Control Panel -> System -> Advanced System Settings -> Under the Startup and Recovery section of the 'Advanced' tab (the section at the bottom) click -> Settings -> under the System Failure section uncheck the checkbox next to Automatically Restart.

Then tell us the exact error message and code. From that we can tell... or download this and it will tell you what BLUESCREEN you have received.
gonna take a screenshot, 1sec mate
image: bluescreenl

this is from the most recent one, both seem to be exactly the same though
Normally the IRQL is caused by memory issues.

Looking at the screenshot, update your network card drivers. NETIO.sys is the problem, you should try updating your drivers for your card.

If you use the onboard ethernet port, update your motherboard drivers. You can get them from the manufactures website of your motherboard.
okay, thanks very much for your help. One more question, i was gonna use Everest to find out my network card so i could update, but it seems the trial has run out :/ any other way to find out?
Device manager not say? Do you use the one built into your motherboard?
okay update: found the network card from the device manager, downloaded correct driver, told the device manager where it was and it said that the driver is already up to date. will try to update my motherboard driver now

thanks for all your help, you are a hero
Also, if you still get the problem, it could be from your anti-virus software. Have you recently installed a new anti-virus?

i had a bluescreen-combo on my pc once. it came in every half hour i was on the pc. so i brought it to the pc shop and they said that my pc couldnt either read or write anything (w/e that means, basically it was dead). so:

1: dont think it'll change anything if u format or reinstall

2. its a hardware problem from my experience

3. probly yes :D

4. it did because ur laptop is having a hard time "writing or reading" anything
learn to google
learn to not hate friend, im asking people here because they know a fuckload about computers and i trust the community to give me some good answers.
Could be either hardware or drivers (I've had both cause it). However, if the problem didn't start soon after you updated your drivers/other software, it's probably hardware.

A format and reinstall could fix it (if it's a software problem), but it might be a lot of work to do just to find out that it's hardware - though if you're trying to be tight with money, it might be worth trying first to save a repair fee (time to reinstall vs $ to take it somewhere and have them do it).
which would you say is more likely? i have had windows updates, but i don't know whether they would be evil enough to cause anything, and they happen quite a lot

thanks bro, chick in a sec
I'm guessing it might be hardware (especially as it's a laptop). Might be worth trying something like SpinRite, which can find/sometimes repair problems on your hard drive, or MemTest which can check your RAM. SpinRite can probably be "found" somewhere on the internet (it's not free, but if you know where to look...).
had the same problem with one of my RAMs.. they weren't damaged though, i just had to take them out and insert them again.. tada, solved.. you could give more information about the bluescreen, like the error message popping up
any way to retrieve that info after the bluescreen has happened? i would get more info, but it is only on the screen for ~5seconds before it restarts my laptop :/
you can deactivate the auto reboot after the bluescreen somewhere in the windows settings..

e: whats your operating system?
e2:With Right-click Computer, Properties, click Advanced System Settings,
In the Startup and Recovery Settings and uncheck
Automatically reboot or smth
okay bro, thanks for you help, i will have a look
It could be your Ram/Virtual memory combo (this means that when your RAM is too full it goes over to your Harddisk to get rid of memory if that gets too full BSoD) running full if so delete/uninstal some unneeded programs from your Harddrive do a Defragmentation. Or add some SODIMM RAM

If that doesn't work it could be driver related but if you haven't installed any then forget about this.

It could be that your RAM is unreadable because of electric circets that are burnt through or are always on the on position insted of off posistion. Would mean you need to buy new RAM. But would also mean that you can't start up at all. Hope this helped if you have any Q ik will awnser them with much pleasure
thanks bro, i will get you a chick + maybe ask you some more questions, check this screenshot for more infos

image: bluescreenl
well the file seems to be a Kernel file which is very very important (see it as the brain of the machine) Try running a Repair disk on your PC, seeing as i don't see a STOP line i'm guessing a repair would work. If you still get it then, then it could be Hardware problems which would make it harder to locate especaly for a laptop.
Hi Joe, I hope you can fix this problem!
thanks friend, me too
Have you solved the problem yet? I get the same bsod as you :(
nope, tried updating drivers but it said they were up to date, dunno what to do, might try a recovery at some point
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