Eurocup POTM

apart from the few political things he says (you can either agree or disagree with that stuff)
at 0:47 he just goes wrong.
for saying something similar a german politician just took the fall and rightly so.
to compare it to WW2... even for that idea the guy should get banned for good

also its old
jawohl heil germany
lol bom video
have heard speeches from him before... but never noticed that he could be tosspots father!?
What an utter moron. I could take this from any member but not from a UK representative. Time and time again the UK tried to sabotage any progress within the EU. Clinging on to it's own currency is part of the reason why the euro had such a rough ride. The only thing they've done in the EU is reap the profits of European Union treaties while actually levying taxes that go directly against these treaties. Most of the UK population appearantly doesn't even want to be part of the EU.

Honestly this rubs me the wrong way. Sure Germany and France both are amongst the strongest economic and political nations in the EU, but atleast they take their responsability unlike the UK. They have been nothing but trouble from the start, withdrawing funds everywhere, veto'ing decisions, refusing to go along with the euro.
I'd say fine: Let them leave or shut them out and reinstate trade tariffs. Because somehow they seem to like isolating themselves eventhough leaving the European Union could be an economic disaster for them.

I know he is not representing the entire UK, but just look at people in the UK backing up Cameron after his veto and 50% appears to want a referendum to leave the EU.
It's whatever the Party wants it to be.
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