Niki0o's morning journal

Good morning everyone :-)

I was supposed to go to dentist today but called and moved my time cause i've felt quite sick since thursday/friday and this morning I woke up to horrible pain in throat :-(
Also got bit of fever.

First question of the morning: What are you eating and/or drinking?
Made a cup of tea! I only drink tea when im sick.

Second question of the morning: Tea or coffee?
Coffee !

Third question of the morning: What are you going to do today?
Nothing, hopefully sleeping alot trying to get myself better.

Last question of the morning: NOW PLAYING?

image: gXszO

Have a good day!
woke up hours ago, sick hangover, gonna skip everything and chill only tonight
miND hangover 40% time , 50% partying hard and fucking hoes, 10% pro esports gaming?

thats about right
just back from the club, sick 72 h party have to go to work in 15 mins.
that picture is making me sick...
just back from wc, going to sleep now. thank god uni only starts in February. Drunk green tea and red @4 and 5am, now feel like a pizza but maybe is too heavy.
Was finishing MW3, rly lame game wasted 5hours of my life
just chilling in my room doing uni work cuz im a massive nerd who still hasn't slept. gonna hand in my work get my haircut then sleep and PARTY HARD YE COME AT ME BRO.
to answer your questions
im not eating
im not drinking
only smoking
and im listening to T.A.T.U

I actually listened those popular tatu songs couple days ago, no idea why tho.
pistachios hot chocolate and two toasts with cheese

tea, flavoured

school, gym, watching football match of my team, study hard and maybe will watch new dexter

np. Kings of leon - sex on fire
Woke up. Brain still off.

Haven't drunk anything yet.


np: umek - consumer recreation...

Today, I'm going to clean my flat. Do some shopping. Do TAX for NC. Play ET ?

What are you eating and/or drinking?
nothing atm

Second question of the morning: Tea or coffee?
coffee. tea is for girls!

Third question of the morning: What are you going to do today?
work hard go pro until noon, then birthday party at work.

afterwards Enemy Terrrrrrritorrrrrry
How dare you say that about tea!

image: 1042979_o
oh :D

well, let's say its for girls and british people, lol!
image: RCSANTI_00025_maintall

nom nom, guess I won't share any of my cakes with you then!
Woke up after 3h sleep, now need to wait for possibly upto 5 hours for someone to come and install my fibre optic connection, then it's party hard time at ET without hopefully dcing a million times per round.

Drinking = Dr. Pepper zero
Now playing = Nothing
been on a concert last night, was fun, drank a lot of beers.

now waiting for water to boil, and gonna make some killer balkan coffee. also smoking PARTNER (no money for something better :P)

KOFI all the waaaaaaaaaaaaaay

also gotta start revising, got an exam @ 1 pm :<

oh I could swear I saw mind and dunzy sniffing coke from women asses last night
I woke up at 8 (it's now 10) to go to uni at 9, but I wasn't in a good mood so I decided to stay at my place and to have a magical breakfast (homemade hot chocolate + chocolate croissant (don't u say pain au chocolat too?)) and to watch an old Stinson's story (HIMYM, season II).

At 9.30 I decided to study a little bit for my exams because I have my first one in exactly one month's time. That's why I'm now browsing crossfire :)

To answer your second question, I hate to drink tea in the morning, that's why I drink hot chocolate. However, I could never skip my 'evening-tea'.
woke up at 9am (10:30 now) and took a shower and coffee... got to meet the doctor in 30 mins. after that i m gonna take the train to downtown and do some christmasshopping until i m gonna meet my gf and my mother at the christmasmarket for some Punch :)
you shouldnt deepthroat
eating a banana atm, then some kinder pingui, lunchtime soon

I prefer coffee, but usually am too lazy to make coffee :D tea or nescafé frappé most of the time (or simply water/coke/juice)

Hv more uni in the afternoon, also have to hand in what literature I will use for some assignment/paper today and start reading+writing veryvery soon

np: soup-ambulance for human
I'm eating: image: large and drinking hot chocolate

Tea or coffee?: Neither :P

What am I going to do today?: I'm going to spend my day on the computer playing League of Legends on EU-West :)
Just woke, feeling sick too :(

I'm eating self-made pancakes

Gonna study hard and probably play ET tonight.

Atm, listening BARB4RY by EZ3kiel
1 & 2: Coffee

3: Watch series from last night, some laundry, maybe a movie-evening.
Oh you silly, no work on mondays. Back to business tomorrow.
First question of the morning: What are you eating and/or drinking?
Drinking tea and water. And eating Bread with egg.

Second question of the morning: Tea or coffee?
Tea !

Third question of the morning: What are you going to do today?
I have college from 8AM-9PM. And I went to sleep at 4AM =/. I have a math test in an hour which I'm making a cheat sheet for(teacher permitted us). Then I have to just be able to stay awake in my classes. Wish me luck!
First question of the morning: What are you eating and/or drinking?
Just finished my tea, had some jam sandwiches with it also.

Second question of the morning: Tea or coffee?

Third question of the morning: What are you going to do today?
Probably maybe haircut, revise for my exam tomorrow if I can bother, possibly movie and gayming.

What are you eating and/or drinking?
Meatballs and potatos + water

Tea or coffee?

What are you going to do today?
Hang around with gf, play some LoL and AoE2 and gym
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