Saving PWs with browser

Hey crossis,

i need a good browser which can save passwords alone/autimaticly, coz i got like 10 different passwords and i dont want to type it allways, i tryd firefox but i doesnt save passwords -.-'

Is chrome or anything else better?
why doesnt firefox save passwords?
It does for me, if I want it to :)
chrome with "Autocomplete = on" extention
wtf :D Everybrowser saves passwords afaik (opera, firefox, chrome...)
Indeed LoL journal 2011.
use chrome it got password saving + adblock extensions np
lol Firefox does save pw's actualy...
Actually every browser is saving passwords these days? :P
If you want to be on the secure site choose on whihc allows you to use a master password for encryption (e.g. firefox).

If you want to be even more secure & use your passwords in many different browser and different computers/devices: use KeePass + the plugin for what ever browser you want to use.
As described here:

You could also pay like 10€ per year and get LastPass. Pretty much the same as the KeePass solution (relpaces the built-in password saving in all browsers and lets you sync it on iphone/android/linux/mac/windows). Maybe easier to setup/use but therefor not free.
kinda pointless to have different passwords if ur going to have the browser save them anyway :P
most popular browsers have the master password feature and it is atleast something, myeah
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