spam @

forum stickies

cant we get rid of that? people who play the game can communicate without CF?:/
+1, kartez makes even more cless posts now that his topics stick on the front page on for like an hour or two -.-
dude because of this picture in the other journal my mother thought im watching some porn or smth when she entered the room :D
Stop wanking while using CF!
guess the problem will be solved with CF4, think they'll be wise enough to integrate a system that makes you select a game that shows all the players playing it. Just hope they'll add an extra field where you can select wether you're active or not so the list shows up correctly and is actually usefull.
Cuz I can't send private messages

1. Can you introduce yourself for the players that are rather new to the scene?
I am YJZZ rather newschool player from Germany but I have lot of contacts in the German scene and some of the newer guys should know me
2. Why do you think you are the best man for the job?
I have the will and the power to bring back a German powerhouse consiting of snoop and butchji and drago also I am the king of ET
3. Do you already have a line-up in mind and will you be able to get the people you want?
I already have a LU in mind which will hopefully consist oldschool owners
4. Would you mind giving us a sneak-peak in your cards and give us this line-up? (including backups)
Nope but check #3
5. What is your goal with this team and how far do you think you can go with this line-up?
If I'd get the real owners back to ET we can roll dat NC easily and end up first, King of ET style
ok xD, you can delete comment if you want ;)
dont take this too seriously friend but would be nice to include it :)
just asking everybody that applied, don't want to leave anybody out, just wanna shed some light on the situation so that every applicant get's the same amount of attention ;) It's not to be released till sunday anyways ;)
I like 'em
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