Boardwalk Empire finale

Fucking epic man, gonna be a difficult wait for season 3. Season 1 was pretty good but with season 2 they just blew every other serie off the TV.

Gonna miss this guy though :-(
Nice to hear it's good or as good as first season at least. Downloaded last epi and should start watching season 2 soon.
It had it's low-moments, but it still delivered.
It's definitely better than the first season, which was already pretty solid. First season was more building towards something, and that something is season 2. Very much filled with action.
Was epic.
meh, watching misfits
Sucks imo
I haven't seen it yet, the show delivers though very much so. I also love How to Make It In America, might not translate as well to europeans :P but yah lol

I watched the video and heard what happens.... WHY?!?!?!?! also the last scene of the video I hadn't seen either o_o
seriously one of the best series i have ever watched, probably 2nd after the wire. Havent seen/checked what happens in the finale
If so then be it, kinda expected some retard to comment to spoil it.
I thought you were one of those people that like spoilers, if that is not so, then I apologize.
shit ending
Very very great serie! 2nd season was even better as 1st one.
havent seen it yet, but damn...i love that mafia/1930s/prohibition stuff
Whats it about?
dont like it that jimmy died ^^ he was the reason i watched it in the first place ^^ young guy working himself up to be the boss
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