HB OldenSan

TODAY finland's only San is turning years. The man is nobody else than FinlandOldenSan!
We usually celebrate his namebirthday (correct?) almost everyday but NOT today! TODAY we celebrate his BIRTHDAY!

who is FinlandOldenSan?
He is the most famous guy in Finland to take fullspawns
He is the best supply depot engineer at east
He has hangover and depression almost everyday
He hasn't won any single 3v3 offi for past 5 weeks
He learned ET martial arts and became the only sensei in Finland

As behalf of FinlandTurbot multieSports Gaming I wish you the very best happy birthday!

image: ollia
450 dpi
defaults @ razer settings
sensitivity 3

cg_fov 100
stop posting you mouse settings everywhere douchebag.
onnee olli<3
#SQUAD.EE eSports wishes all the best and a happy birthday to #tA.et member OldenSan.

General of gaming
HB Olden :))
onnea olli <3

Olden's basic birthday evening

(16:51:49) (@NerdSan) aatelin lähtä tekkeel umiukkoja
(16:51:53) (@NerdSan) ja hiihtää
Happy birthday old friend
hb orelsan
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