osx on PC ?
13 Dec 2011, 15:38
Hey guys, I was asking myself if it's possible to get the mac osx onto a PC without much efford? If yes, is it also possible to get windows and linux running on the same pc?
35.8 %
(19 votes)
64.2 %
(34 votes)
win/linux should be easy, but osX might be a bit of a hassle, could always simply virtualbox them :XD
E: Oh scratch that, I got the OP the wrong way round.
A:Not sure but you should ask Google
Q:If yes, is it also possible to get windows and linux running on the same pc?
A:Yes it is. 2 partitions with 2 OSs or in virtual machine.
Yeah, really easy to do. Check out Grub! I use this at bootup every day.
As for the OSX question, it is really hardware dependent, and if you have the correct items, mainly the CPU, then it is possible. Google will hold more answers though.
Und bei MAC ist es glaub ich schwieriger, wegen der Architektur. MAC läuft glaub ich auf der keiner x86 bzw. x64 Machine
Edit: Ich sehe gerade, seit OS X 10.4 läuft es auch auf x86
oder was wiilst du genau machen?
I meant hackintosh
fucking safari autocorrect