Call of Duty 4?

image: maulwurf3-a008-einzeln_p2

Well some days ago kReSti the german bimbo wonderchild ask me to create a call of duty 4 team to reach smth in the community, i was like wtf the game is dead allready, but it looks like many ppl still playing it, alot more then ET so far. Well he bought it 6 day's ago and we manage to get a team i called atroX because i want that he get a spot in the team his tactical nades are awesome and his AK aim is quite well.

Today after 5 days of pracc call of duty4 we played a game vs "High" called opponents of #cod4.wars we lost unlucky and i saw alot of potential.

Game Result:

8-13 crossfire
13-11 backlot (after 7-11 lead for them)
12-12 citystreets
10-13 crash

I know it will take some time but i give them and the project 4 weeks to be on a decent lvl lets see if we can make it.
And dont worry we still playing ET with HIGHBOT the offis and lans for example :)

Maulwurf Crew e.V

humM3L (AKU)
kReSti (AK)
atroX (AK)
souX3D (Scope)
flopjehZ (AKU)
soNy (Scope/AK)

The core of the team is the old diamondZ EPS team.

will last, can smell it
there are about 3-5 irc channels to get war. and on #cod4.wars if u go there move your scroll bar up and you will get anoyed on the fact that everyone searches 1 war per second ... they spam so fking much that atleast one person search war per second in cod4.. and only xfire users 56, 000 people play cod4 and if u add up without xfire users im guessing 100 000 :) and it has fking 10 000 + servers and u call it dead? ur dead!

hf,nice game
kresti :$
no vacant no win :c at least in 3on3 (:

well cod4 has always been a fucking good fps, competitive and public, compared to most other shooters and the follow-ups in the series
u never played cod4 in teh early stages then i guess
i've played it with one of the first promods, why?
I played it once it came out years ago, and I loved it. Why shouldn't I? :o
indeed vacant <3
hummel no one cares
flop stabbin flop stab stab
make a newspost
low-mid-high in cod4 is all mixed up so don't get too excited.
<insert spiderman pic here>
stopped that shit back in 2k9 when rivz and co stopped it

was top10 eu cb 5v5 ladder back when the ladder was "skilled and fresh", dont know about nao

some very big memories and plays in cod4 to remember <3

[e] oh and my team, kaum and co won NC finals with team-russian and placed 1st or 2nd on some belgian lan

felt good


it was something back when the game almsot came out!!! played a draw with cb #1 [flag=turkeystan] cosaNostra was something superspecial omgomg

+ i played a big play round throwing a flash killing 1 smg 2 knife 1 deagle was like shiiiit im a baws
Well i was also active to your time : ) and i was playing with all of your team mates aswell, they asked me sometimes to help out if they had some strong opponents.
And you wasnt nearly to top40 :D i can remember that, your team was never in cod4.invite channels or anything else they was med skilled at all.

Your old account: Cant find any really decent name there, looks like top 200 account.

Thats a top 5 account tbh:

Dunno why you talk some crap shit here, and your russian friends was on a noname lan with 8 teams near french/belgium and they placed 2nd gratz, not rly any good team was there :D:D:D. Some of them was allways like fanboys acid or smth making my movie and his head was allways in my ass !

And i played in the team who dominate all ladders the first 5 month we didnt lose any single game after we split up to join SK-Gaming and SPEEDLINK. The name of that team was Legendary.

adri , MoN , thundRKING, niTro (rizaR) , humM3L , pko

oXmoze (dunno if you know the name) with vazy, Reigeki etc was the first team who beaten us and we had a big battle with the swedish team tidde mintr etc about joining fanatic.

Trigger made the best offer thats why we didnt join fanatic, stupid move if i see back.

And here you got a list of the best players in the first year of cod4,
long weapon AK , infighter AKU and scopes.The most 20 top teams was asked about the oppinions in CoD4.invite channel, who is the best on what weapon! Im still miss some of your team mates if you was nearly on top 5 mate.

But dream more little dunzy : )
QuoteDunno why you talk some crap shit here

crap shit? lol ur such a retard seriously, i always thought u were. i just pointed out that i've played the game in med+/high level aswell and im proud of it

i actually expected a semi-rage reply from u, because u wanna be always "high", too bad u were just that shit and i've no idea which noobs selected u as best smg (LOL), and i've played with u werent nothing special.

now gtfo with ur rage shit comment u fat german. and yeah german, not russian, davay "bratan".
The facts are true, you was maybe med : ) nothing more, you won some stupid ESL Cups and there only some russian low+ teams attending. The cups was for russian teams only :D but be more proud on it, learn how to play cod4 then comeback.

And your team was also never in cod4.preinvite or academy channel thats are the channels for team top 50-100. CoD4.invite was only the tops! I mean why you never played any eurocup if your team was nearly on med+/high :D you played OC 4th div or smth. Come down to the reality little anime monkey.

such a retard like allways
haha another rage comment by fat hummel

cba argue with ur facts, u were still shit in every game and will be

i ownage :)
so mad&bad&fat
Even me, allir and krato were able to rape the shit out of high teams, so your comment with "nonames" doesnt mean a shit.
Krato dikke pwner!
good ol' times =(
everything was fine back in the days when the Master Killers where owning the scene
Indeed =( Even ET was fun back then!
Do you happen to remember a finnish player named emil? I think he played in team turpot if I recall right with some of the names who I think got big in the game later on.
dunzy was king of cod4 before you
Should be possible if you got an experienced scope and some1 like yourself to teach them :P
If you know how to aim in one game, you should be able to do it in a different game.
Just a matter of knowing the game, which can take awhile, but it should help if you show him because CoD4 isn't nearly as complicated as let's say Quake.

It's like when gifted started playing ET, he had the talent and some people helping him get better and got to a high level in no time. When we played CoD4 with bF we got from teamkilling to being able to give med+ a fight in a few days. I still lost a few games by teamkilling defusing teammates though.

So I guess what I'm saying is : GL, but nothing special ;)
some cool storys for ur children later, ammiright?
Just saying that the game is really not that hard to get into if you've played fps games before and are motivated! I like sharing :s
i was just having a laugh, didn't expect a second serious comment :(
Ow ok, thought you were mocking me ;D
you play LoL with super and ali?
I wish they could teach me the game and bring me to an high level :(((
i can teach u, np, just like i did at AEF lan with ET.
download, install and add 'digitalnick' and 'N1ckje'.
I played two times few days ago :D just killing bots!
I did for a week or 2, but I stopped playing it for now. Pretty sure they are still at it.
Wouldnt mind joining a cod4 team. By far the best cod game for wars gotta love promod.
Its a good game. better than shite et
umad??? et 4 lyfe d00d
man, you should get games on #cod.pracc

at least there are not that noobish oppos as in #cod4.wars :D
bcak form teh club btw...mad nerds be mad
Quote by humM3Li was like wtf the game is dead allready, but it looks like many ppl still playing it

get a brain, seriously.
Problem #1
Need a CD key :(
i ve got one ;)
Its so fking cheap on steam buy it!
yo im playing pumpgun, can i join?=
ich hab denen gesagt: JEDES team braucht ne clanpumpe!" aber alle haben nur gelacht :<
sone idioten xD
IRC channels arent even used anymore, get on the CGi ladder to play decent games :)

GL anyway

p.s im better than you
hey, wna webcam?
Cant at the moment as im at work. Sorry bro
np, will get someone else then
You lost because there was no g5. players in the lineup. Even just 1, guarantees victory.

np for my aku skills
avi IF you need anyone :D ,
cod4.wars... its like saying you're high cause you pwn on bio :p
he did not say he is high, he just said that he see a lot of potential by winning against this "high"skill
owning on bio (not camping all the time) also means that you have "some" potential and you are quiet decent ( not highskilled )
cod.pracc (if it still actually works) or just get into aca/start quickly and get some better games :)

if you need a mixer im up too! ;)
junge junge junge.. fremdschäm
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