admins editting news

I noticed some admin(dunno which) keeps editing the news?

All the posts say: is the gaming community for Enemy Territory

I removed it from my ONEMOVE 2 Perfection post a couple of times and it keeps getting edited?

Why is this, it's not like the people on CF need to be redirected to CF?:X

+ its quite annoying if the poster doesnt want it in his post.....
wow what we gonna do now? this is very serious
your post gets improved and you're mad? blimey
My best guess it's a bad attempt at SEO? And I say bad because it's ineffective to link from your own domain.
As effective as external links? No. Ineffective? Also no.

It's one of many small measures, which when combined add up to something worthwhile.
Ineffective as in it wont increase your page rank. You'll have a better chance creating sites on free services like with some content and links to crossfire under "Enemy Territory" keyword. Also I'd simply change every alt-tag of every image to "Enemy Territory".
<img src="mypicture.png" alt="Enemy Territory">
As a poster, I only use BB-code :D
It's probably so that people will be redirected if the news are posted on other sites, not sure which ones that would be though. Could also have something to do with Google.
yea but whats the point in editing my post on CF then?
Facebook, Twitter?
when it gets fetched by RSS-crawlers for example, then there wouldn't be any link to the cf page what so ever

google keywords fo sure
for the greater good, ffs.
Ever heard of search engine optimization?

e: Basically it helps to get more people searching information about ET directed to So if this site will get some proper instructions for the newcomers to install all the necessary stuff (ET 2.60b + ETPro 3.2.6) to get into competitive gaming, we might actually get a couple new players
wtf do you care ?
must be real assholes for fixing your crappy posts
We've got a very poor SEO rating on Google and we're trying a number of things to improve that. It may in some instances may a look out of place to a regular hardcore reader if a newspost states "Crossfire Is XXX" and you're like "I know what Crossfire is fuck off" - but its to try and grow the site and community and it really doesn't effect enjoyment that much.
but omg editing news? CF bastards, dis so annoying!

Shut the fuck up already
you seem upset my young belgian friend.
maybe just autoimplement it on every other news and real news

maybe also on every journal in the last line?
It's annoying/ugly to see it in the actually news text box, should either hide the text so its not viewable, but still there or implant it in a different way.
Well I can see that it's SEO related, but I think there are loads of ways to do that without having to change everyone's posts... Or like Kiewan said, make it a hidden text or something cause it looks of in the news.

And let's say Baggiez puts a StarCraft 2 post online and at the bottom you add is the gaming blabla for ET, makes it look odd and people will just see it as random advertisement? On the other hand, if this is a gaming community for ET, what is SC2 news doing in the main news, put Baggiez's THIS WEEK IN GAMING in the column or other news section and make the main section ET news/subject only.
Crossfire 3.2 - A Gaming Community

not ET only, if you wanted main news ET only you'd have 1 news post a week at most
We're going to be trialing a number of recommended SEO practices from an external consultant that's working with us. I really don't feel that 1 line on the bottom of the post hurts your experience of the site too much, particularly in comparison with alternatives.
Don't get me wrong, I think it's a good idea to attract more people to Enemy Territory. I'm owner of ONEMOVE.ESO MGC and we support ET, it's just that I think attracting people by SEO isn't as effective as directing people here from other e-sports coverage websites, let's say cadred, tek9, gamelux and others. I would say have a small group of people copy CF/ET posts on their sites and redirect those readers here.

(might be something for CF4 to have such a small group of posters to promote CF, ofc volunteers)
QuoteWell I can see that it's SEO related, but I think there are loads of ways to do that without having to change everyone's posts... Or like Kiewan said, make it a hidden text or something cause it looks of in the news.

And let's say Baggiez puts a StarCraft 2 post online and at the bottom you add is the gaming blabla for ET, makes it look odd and people will just see it as random advertisement? On the other hand, if this is a gaming community for ET, what is SC2 news doing in the main news, put Baggiez's THIS WEEK IN GAMING in the column or other news section and make the main section ET news/subject only.

For starters, there are loads of ways to improve a websites SEO and internal linking is one of them. I am the one putting the tag-line at the bottom of your newspost and as far as I can see, it's no skin off your nose. And fyi, putting it in a hide makes it obsolete.

If you care to read my StarCraft II news, I've been putting a different tag-line referring to gaming-news as one about Enemy Territory would be out of place. This is a gaming website based on an Enemy Territory community. Many users have an interest in SC2 (or other games) and unless there is sufficient Enemy Territory-only-news then there is no reason to not have SC2 news as Main News. This Week In Gaming _could_ be a column, but as it covers a number of news topics, why not make it news? The column section is not part of the main-page and therefore any topics are not prioritised by Google.
im no expert, but afaik the amount of links from other sites to your site has a huge influence on your google rankings.
Yup - Link backs has a far higher impact than internal linking (though internal does too), hense the facebook & twitter stuff. Theres a number of things we're doing, some of its code based that will be fixed in CF4, some of its URL based. Lots of stuff to do in this area, something I neglected Pre Heaven Media and was something they didn't focus on, so we're now revisiting as we get our act together post Heaven Media.
Yeah, which is why we'll be trying to get as many guests posts on other websites linking through to Crossfire, though this will be mainly when CF4 is released.
Nazi admins
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