xmas on its way

image: Snapshot_20111216

started studying on my student appartment recently (for upcoming exams in jan-feb), got my xmas tree and candles ready :D

am listening to:

how was/is your night/day? :D
playing slots

21€ so far , started with 5 xD
meh, all luck game
idd ,magic zone and multipliers pwn tho xDD ( playing with 0.03c bets :D!)
when I don't feel like playing poker, I play blackjack:D also luck-based but not like slots..
GL on studying

my day: playing ET, watching 2 and a half men season 1, Cooking dinner

my night: : playing ET , watching 2 and a half men season 2, sleep
christmas in 10 days and barely any snow here :(
Quel dommage:<
indeed :< mais je n'ai plus d'école demain :)!
:) moi non plus!!:) Mais je dois étudier pour mes examens dans janvier:<
en* janvier

that was pretty good french for a foreigner
Merci! J'ai eu Français pour 6 années à l'école donc...:p
But i should ve known en janvier tho...
explains a lot

pendant 6 années* btw :p
was studying for todays programming exam...gonna be hard ;/

tomorow going to party hard doing a pre-christmas party gonna exchange gifts, drink etc
sunday gonna drink again
monday will be lazy
tuesday too
and pretty much like that till christmas holidays are over..ofc ill have to study for upcoming exams that i have after holidays
was snowing a bit in london this morning! =)
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