Joke of the day

Three syntacticians walk into A'.

image: syntax
polish humour
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need subtitles
This is better Robert...

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nono. joke of the day is :

My dog has really bad breath.

So we tend to skip foreplay.
or possibly even ;

Three kids were up late in their tree-house chatting.

The first kid says, "Last night, Daddy made me touch his snake!"

The second kid says, "That's nothing, last night, Daddy made me kiss his snake!"

The last kid sighs and says, "I wish my dad was a reptile enthusiast. He just fucks me in the arse."
or EVEN ;

Against my advice, my daughter has just gone to a bukkake party.

Oh well, on her own head be it.
nah ;

My mate just text me: 'What are you up to?'

I text back: 'Just raping my daughter's Xmas present'

He wrote: 'Lol.....You mean wrapping?'

I text back: 'No, I've got her a pony'
You are a mean old man.
i cant even argue :<
haha last one was good :D
3 polish people walk into a gas chamber.
2 pollish guys in a bar: one guy says: "oi kurwa let's go to movie tomorrow''. the other guy replies: ''no soz gotta work 8)''.
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I got a good joke i heard today

Poker is kinda the same as your sexlife

all you need is a good hand, and be able to bluff
hahaha :XD pojebaly mi sie stacje. Do LO wysiadalem na wierzbnie a wchodzilem na Sluzewiu =D
ale te same typy na sluzewiu potem byly bo mi kumpel z uczelni mowil :D
ale ja z pamieci powiedzialem jak bramki :P
Why Jesus can't eat M&M's?
they keep falling through his hands
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