WOW just got real.....

THIS means you're no longer a nerd if you play WOW.

Old commercial is old ;))
maybe in your cuntry it is!
Sadly it is =( Norwegians have so little to do =/
Chuck Norris gonna take a part in Expendables 2! ;D
its gonna be a short film then?
not if Chuck comes 3 sec before titles
the only reason he's in is because he got overhyped SO HARD on the internet, its epic
because of him the movie gonna have more popularity, thats true, but in reality he doenst really fit in to this group of "real action"-guys. I think they better should have hired Steven Sigal
lol you're such a new fag!

chuck fucking norris is a real martial art actor and also a karate master
unlike those oversteroids actors we see today

respect to him :~>
nice insulting me while you are the one that misunderstood what i wrote

i just said that he is only in this movie because of his renewed popularity

I think i know more about chuck norris than you as my father has collected every single movie he ever made, which I've all watched, and since I used to practice karate ( for about 10 years ) up until I broke two vertibrae

he is my favorite action-actor of all time and I really respect him,but you should learn how to read
oh i thought you are Netherlands dual :{
wow cool story bro
nice interesting reply random child
cant take u seriously after the reply u made to that guy haha
and which one would that be smartass
to officercohen you seem very upset, are you mad as hell?
what was "upset" about that reply? I just told him why he was wrong and he understood me and apologized, it's not because someone types more than one sentence in a reply that he is "OMG SO MAD"

but then again, children will be children
i bet most of the people get ur sentence wrong because its badly formed

but on a sidenote texas ranger is the shittiest serial ever made and ur idol is playing there, what can we do about it?
bleh, i should have given more information

i think Chuck is the best <oldschool> action actor, as in, brainless pure4fun action movies

and texas ranger was actually quite enjoyable :D though if you would evaluate it on a pure quality-scale then yes, it would suck :D
Have you actually seen any of his movies?
It's so immature that you judge him, while you haven't even seen a movie in which he featured.
read my comment above before you start insulting anyone child
I've read it, and it led me to the conclusion that you're immature and that you don't appreciate other peoples business.
did you now? ...

nice insulting me while you are the one that misunderstood what i wrote

i just said that he is only in this movie because of his renewed popularity

I think i know more about chuck norris than you as my father has collected every single movie he ever made, which I've all watched, and since I used to practice karate ( for about 10 years ) up until I broke two vertibrae

he is my favorite action-actor of all time and I really respect him,but you should learn how to read

In case ..
You, with your inferior intellect have absolutely no idea what I am talking about.
oh i get it

you got served ==> pretend to be talking about something else because you now see that your entire argument was actually based upon your false misinterpretation

because you see, pretending to have been talking about something else since this conversation started fails because you mention that I have never seen a movie of CN even though I clearly wrote that I've watched all of his movies.

You obviously do not get it, I've just made a statement in which I call you immature for what you've said, I never implied anything other than that. You never asked me why I called you immature, and certainly I wasn't insulting you.

Perhaps you want to know why I called you immature?

QuoteIt's so immature that you judge him, while you haven't even seen a movie in which he featured.

You clearly mentioned why, and the "why" is clearly wrong even though you couldn't know that since you hadn't read my other comment yet.

You know, you could also do the UNTHINKABLE ( for e-people), and just admit that you were wrong when you wrote that comment.
Your life must be so simple, ok, let's guess who I was talking about?

A: Norris, Chuck

B: Cohen, Officer

C: Obama, Barrack

NOW I don't get it indeed, you were replying to me about Chuck Norris. You made arguments and I destroyed all of them and now you are trying some smart-ass save but honestly, neither me nor any of the 3 other people I'm on teamspeak with have ANY idea what you mean with this comment.
I was talking about Chuck Norris you imbecile, this shows how unwise you are, lacking the knowledge to answer such a simple question, I even made it so easy.
you have trolled enough now, youre confusing kevin
euhm, not sure if stupid or trolling
So you're unable to continue this conversation without the help of your nerd posse?

I feel sorry for your lower class attitude, peasant.
i didn't actually ask them anything, but just like me they were completely mindblown by your stupidity, have a nice day though :!D
I get this shit ad everytime on the interwebzzzzzzzzz fu bro
rather this commercial than the twingo/renault-shit they used to have @ own3d :{D
hi kevler
I used to be a Chuck Norris fan.. then I took an arrow to the knee.
3/8 hc where are you?
Bruce Lee raped his ass.
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