If china attacks america

found this on reddit and had to share.

think it is a good topic to discuss

no chick, since it is a serious journal.
RazZah mate chill the fuck out! I got this!
no offense to people like you m8 ;)
none taken man
i actually shared the video with a lot of people ;)
image: Ne6Ah

Chill the fuck out! I got this!
war :D

i rape everyone just like in ET
you rape shit irl.
i rape more than u?

my second name is : väkisinmakaaja_make
party hard now :) going out

sup you home nerd?
just got back from shop bought more bears, party hard later on ;)
saw it coming from the beginning
cheap propaganda :~>
just changed the perspective ?
but its not the same...

you simply dont understand their mentality
your opinion aint objective either so
i dont think we are talking about the same ppl
who are you talking about then?
im talking about the latest riots in arabs countries + -stan countries :~>
true hero from israel here?
how come your country is involved in any scenario out there? 9/11, Working in japanese nucleair reactor etc. Aswell why does America support you that much?
thats because the israeli MOSSAD have very long hands

and if you talk about those stuff on the internet, they will come for you with a death squad
oh wow, just asking if you knew why.... :D you guys seem to be pissed fast :D pressure on?:D
ye so shut the fuck up
is it the dancing juice or y u so mad,bra?
imagine that america attacks a country called irak looking for masive weapons, bombs and lots of civilian ppl die and nobody do anything
fuck america, fuck obama

yeah, a guy who wants to abolish substantial parts of the us government is much more credible
The less government the better.
plz read "the liviathan" of thomas hobbes, then tell me what u think
what a bullshit vid lol
Let's imagine.
grats guys u found out how shit capitalism is.

oh wait, u probably didnt even with the video.
to bad i got no imagination
if china attacks usa i won't give a shit and turkistan is homo
it shortly reminded me somehow on this:
I agree 100% with this video,fuck usa
i was expecting a skyrim pun ending with the overly epic music and all
brainwashing video rly with all the text etc
i guess your mind was dirty ^^
this is poor propaganda. and china will never start attackin us homeland before they have the technology to easily beat them with nearly even equipment - just in larger amounts. besides that china - compared to the us, will never be that dumb to start a war against the country who buys the largest amount of chinese exports. it may be ron pauls idea of foreign policy, but it doesnt seem either smart or realistic to me. it surely is a nice idea to swap the popint of view, but americans wont simply believe in this, since most of them see nearer east states as home of terrorism and us hatred.

oh and btw the us are already afraid of one current chinese (non nuclear!) aircraft carrier, while the us got alone 11!!! nuclear carriers, each bigger than the chinese one... not even talking about the few being recently build and planned.

the chinese rather shut down the us economy and $ by moving there money to another currency - no real war will be started.
believing in todays replublican propaganda is absolutely embarrasing.

thx for this comment
i think they just used china as example, not as representation of the reality
making such examples with countries which are weaker than yourself doesnt make any sense ;-)
The could use alien race as example, that's not the point.
its not saying that China could/should, it is simply looking at the issue from the other perspective. You have completely misinterpreted the video.
tss really seems like you didnt get it... like us citizens dont know that if u occupy a country, u decrease the freedom and pride of its inhabitants - this is even obvious for a common us dumbfuck, but they simply dont give a flying fuck about what happens to people in such countries.
changing the point of view - with ofc texas occupation (which alone is hilarious as fuck and totally idiotic from the geographical point, but hey its a mindgame and in this mindgame us surely would allow china to use the panama canal to get the troops through to texas...), wont change american people attitude of being the greatest... a mindgame will never change real political views. especially not if such an exmaple comes from republicans.

you should rather think why u fall for such cheap propaganda.. do you really think its conservative (ie. own economy > all) interest of holding the largest army and never using it? spending billions over billions into it each year? literally burning the money? i guess not.

besides that where did i misinterpreted the video when i rather tell what could/would happen IF china REALLY wants to shut down the us, by obviously using the given example and negating it?
in that case amerika would get back what they did them selves and i only could feel sorry for the citizens and not the militairy heads or the people in the government.

i guess this video was not made to actually think of china attacking us but only as a comparison to what america is doing them selves in afganistan etc.
Idd, China would Never attack the USA tbh. Its just about switching Perspektives
thats what i meant;p did not know how to explain it in english, also my dictionary is not supported on firefox 8.0 :DDDD
Fuck usa, i don't give a shit
First, America is whole fucking continent...

And second, United States will be the one attacking China or Russia and not the other way,
with that shit policy they have of "saving" countries like Afganistan or Iraq. Is the one country that spends the most on war.

Apart from that, didn't watch

you need to see the video, because you are just chatting shit
u just hatin


u can drop all the bombs u want, gonna chill with my popcorn
Get your booty on the floor tonight. Make my day

ron paul 2012
What a load of bullshit!
Holy shit that video was biased as fuck.
It's shit like this amurrrika..
i guess 90% of people above this comment are trolling...

or very very stupid, i'm not sure. but still the percentage is surprisingly good :O
This is a Ron Paul speech and the point he is making is the US American military intervention in Iraq/Iran.
just a desperate plee from Ron Paul to gain more supporters, since he is being virtually ignored by media and the masses in America

people will criticize the USA no matter what we do :D it's either a) try to "help" those countries which we can afford to help and get flamed for "butting in", or b) sit back and let other nations work their own problems out and get flamed for "being selfish" or something
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