Amsterdam 2012

Looking to go Amsterdam in feb time with my gf sister and her bf just looking at hotels now but not the greatest information on the Internet,

Looking to spend roughly 60-85 a night for a hotel, it has to be nicely in Amsterdam central (5 minute walk) and be a quite decent hotel.

Anybody from Amsterdam, or people that have stayed before and got good reviews then please inbox me.

This will be my 3rd time going but we just stayed in a motel when I went last time!

Thanks a lot x
Miss you macca booooyyyyyyy
You too big man really busy with uni, the chickieeee and co you know how it is! U'll see me at bio here and there mate everything well with your self? X
occupy @ beursplein
5 Star Hotel?
QuoteLooking to spend roughly 60-85 a night for a hotel, it has to be nicely in Amsterdam central (5 minute walk) and be a quite decent hotel.
:D i was jk XD ofc 5* hotels aint cheap they will probabbly not even let him book a room LOL they will ask him for id cards, etc
Ofc I have I.d looool I'm not 14 no more mate haha x
Hotel Arena.
Looks beautiful! <3 will have a look into it, thanks for the information.
What happens in Amsterdam stays in Amsterdam

E: Schiphol airport is nice!
hf getting raped
Definetely Amstel Hotel :DDDDDDDD
You should try Hotel de Gerstekorrel. Its in the center, Damstraat and like 5 coffeeshops around it
hehe kewl lets go to amsterdam and smoke pot :D:D:D:D:D::D
Have phun there :)
why not rent some private appartment?
>still going to NL for weed
afaik the law doesnt apply amsterdam untill 2013, correct me if I'm wrong?
Looking to spend roughly 60-85 a night for a hotel, it has to be nicely in Amsterdam central (5 minute walk) and be a quite decent hotel.

lol i say

go to Bobs youth hostel, around 20e a night :D (its right in the middle also!)
Youth hostel woooooo!

Pretty gutted we didn't meet up man! :)
Yeah I know :C i was so looking forward to it! The friend I was travelling with just didn't really want to go so late to firenze and find any hostels, cos we didnt know any and the trains are shit in Italy :I grrr
The trains in Italy were good i found but fuck were they expensive! We had 3 broken down trains elsewhere hahaha
There is always next time though man. Florence was absolutely beautiful though and can't wait to go back there.

We end up staying here:

Ah man, just the background makes me want to go back!
Well, the ones we took were super crouded :D we just sat at a corridor with a dozen of other people in like 40c! but it was kinda fun tho

AA, looks nice >.< i must not look these kinda sites, getting all exited, AAA :!
lmao, I so wanna go back travelling again :X aaaaaaaaa
We did hostels in Amsterdam as anywhere else whilst travelling, the flying pig is actually meant to be pretty good in private rooms, and I absolutely ADORE hostel life.
the flying pig's is nice ye! :D mee tooo :)))
I think I will be going ( maybe !!) in january, maybe even with ippsik (sAw) and tekkeN :) would be pretty cool to meet some nerds the same time actually, gotta call Testi atleast! :D
im doing a hitchhiking trip of 7 countries this winter but ima leave amsterdam the first of january
Don't go to Amsterdam in january/february. It's cold and rainy and you won't be able to enjoy a lot of the things that make it cool. Go in april/may.
Dacht dat je niks gewend waren in Engeland :p
It's not about being used to rain. It's just a waste to go to Amsterdam and not being able to walk around the city. Even if you do so it'll be on your own with maybe half a dozen people there. Spring is the time to go to A'dam.


oh i see they dont have amsterdam yet, just take hotel for 50 euro night :p

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