Amnesia dll problem

aright i got following problem.

I installed the game Amnesia - The Dark Descent yesterday, but when i want to start the game it says

"vorbis_window could not be located in the dynamic link library vorbis.dll"

tried to reinstall already, and i tried to change the vorbis.dll already with 3 different "vorbis.dlls"

anyone got a solution?

cheers in advance

image: randomgirl1
format c
forgot man, wish i could help :/
there was an issue with a portable version I think - is it a legit version? :p
what do u think? :'D
I don't have the balls to play it :PPP
I do not have a solution, but after you have completed the main game I strongly recommend the FREE Custom Stories:

La Caza
Through the Portal

Click on Start - Run
type in msconfig
click okay

click on the tab that says 'startup"

browse the list for something that looks like it might be related to your 'vorbis' thing and uncheck the box next to it.


* 6 years ago
gonna try it

EDiT: there are just normal startup shit in it like msn, steam, google update etc.
no dlls or smth
too scared, cannot into
I shat when I played this game.
infinite oil n shit ftw :D
We can play together...

Seems like the dll isn't up to date or not existing. Try the file linked in the second post and put it into Windows/System32 (or the game's folder).
I would backup the existing dll there (if there is none, it is fine).

If the error persists, I would check the game's folder for the dll and move it to the desktop (= out of the game folder) for testing purpose.

Vorbis is connected with the ogg file format. So I guess your game needs that file to play sounds.
well this is just the vorbis.dll, i need the libvorbis.dll
dem tities
This random chick has been posted a thousand times already.

Here you go with a image: 20111216223407X
Dont play that game, its scary :|
I got this game and i want to play with you man :D pm me
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