morninggggggg CF

So how did u start out your day?
Woke up at 4am to study some math but I failed hard due to discovering Moving Snowman prank and wasted 2h of my life. Looks like I will have to count on my super luck and pass exam w/o any proper knowledge moreover have just peeped through the window and looks thats its damn dark and windy outside. Kinda depressing weather. Luckily the only thing keeping me from being doomed is going to the cineme on Moneyball.
And theres nothing better than cigs and coffee as a breakfast.

Hope your day started fine!
i know what you are going through, i wish you luck and hope we all unite in heaven.
since i didn't sleep at all from saturday to sunday i slept too long tonight, until 5:33, so got my breakfast at the bakery, though not having appetite, had to throw up yesterday evening... :/
now having a major headache at work...
didnt sleep, working on summary, becoming a zombie
Just got home from work it's about to be 2:00AM, and now I'm about to study for art final :(
ipod i love you and i have free time for you, wanna pick it up yourself or should i send?
Can you just keep it a little longer mate? <3
thats what she said!
me and you need to have a chat soon again mate ;)
we sure will have, dont got much time now but will have soon :>>>>>>>>>>>

QuoteAnd theres nothing better than cigs and coffee as a breakfast.

oh yes!
didnt sleep at all, gonna write my math exam in 30 minutes
1 + 5 = 6

hope this helps
nah, it should be easy, some integrals and stuff
ohh stop complaining
I did start my day with fucking amnesia scaring the shit out of me
LOl wtf :D nice hangover? xD
Lol im not talking about this amnesia :'D
Im talking about Amnesia - The dark descent :'D
slept shitty. @ 10 got my last exam in 2011. awesome

image: 1106033_700b_v1
Well, started my xmas holidays today. It's 7.40 am and i am awake which never really happens, not even during university times because i have university after 18oclock, till 23.

Either way, getting ready, it's fucking cold here and i am going to Spain Spain with a friend just to deliver his phone to repair LOl he asked me to go with him n stuff to kill the boredom. It's a 100km travel (*2 = 200 km)
traveling? My friend doesn't wanna use the highway, might take a while :[ according to google maps, 2 hours * 2
oh right, in spain you gotta pay after some distance on highway, right?

there can always happen some nice experiences on such travels :) be prepared :D
we pay at portugal, can't remember about spain but i dont think we would pay because it's a short distance after frontier
Woke up. Snowing.
Woke up at 4am to study some math but I failed hard due to discovering Moving Snowman prank (url) [] and wasted 2h of my life. Looks like I will have to count on my super luck and pass exam w/o any proper knowledge moreover have just peeped through the window and looks thats its damn dark and windy outside. Kinda depressing weather. Luckily the only thing keeping me from being doomed is going to the cineme on Moneyball.
And theres nothing better than cigs and coffee as a breakfast.
couldn't sleep before like 3am, alarm rang at 7, felt like dead and turned it off instead of snooze, was 1h late for uni, home now, gta write some text for next class, then hv to research for Germany hausarbeit which will keep me busy whole week and I will probably not be able to finish it in time anyways and get kicked out of this seminar, gg-,-
at least there's finally snow w/o rain and it's not even that cold (:
i can imagine some better breakfast
I'm having some troubles with RTCW, ffs fuck off this shit will burn my whole day to get installed properly..

Yea, i'm mad!

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