Shoutcasting ET!

Well, some of you may know that I returned to give it a go at shoutcasting ET.

Since the almighty TosspoT and owzo rarely shoutcast ET nowadays, I decided to accept the challenge, and who knows, maybe even revive ET.

I am now avi to shoutcast cups and such, so pmme here or on irc if you want a shoutcaster for your cup.
Also, I'd like to ask the rest of the community to listen, and give me some feedback on how good/bad I did, and how I can improve.

Are you going to shoutcast through a stream or radio?
Stream I think.
Are you any good? Have you shoutcasted anything before?
Never tried before, but I do have an understandable English so to say. I'm also very enthusiastic about ET.
cant be worse than eujen/stray/whoever
germans cannot into english, true story..
Good luck, will tune in!
Also would try it ^^ but i rly dunno how it works :X
You talk in a microphone and people listen to you
but i need some programms or not?^^ how i do music shizzle ^^
You should ask Tosspot or Owzo about this, or Eujen/Stray as you're German :P
got you of the ignore function for a while now, i think ur gna go back on it again...
And why is that?
because you first try and be clever and then he actually specifies his comment and then youre basicly like wtf you asking me for i dont know that shit
I knew what he was on about, thus the first reply.
He specified, I told him who would help him out.

Ignore me, wouldn't give any fuck.
you just said the exact same as i did, so you must be equally stupid...
nothing wrong with his last comment tho ...
there is a tutorial somewhere on this site
just do it :)
germanfag shoutcas would be n1. did it ever exist for ET once uppon a time?
gl, try it :)
gl ! will tune in !
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