Portable rig

After reading some on this site ( and a bit on head-fi ) I attempted to put together a budget rig:

* FiiO e5 ( OR perhaps e11 )
* Soundmagic PL30
* Sansa Fuze ( read somewhere this would be quite good because of the line-out )
* Will I need some extra cords for this ( saw some rigs, and they all had some kind of thick cord going from amp to music player )?

I'm also considering the Koss KSC75, altho I'm not sure if there is any amp needed for it :).


PS: attempting to use my htc desire s as music player atm, but it's completely pointless since the sound volume is so low, and I won't even begin about the SQ ( altho that isn't such a surprise since we're not dealing with stuff solely used for music ).

In your boudget range i wouldnt get an amp simply becoz your IEMs are easy to drive and you wont notice a difference in SQ, wouldnt be surprised if the fuze alone would sound munch better due to the low output impedance , no hiss.

the extra cord you see on most fuze players is a LOD taking the line out signal of your fuze to run it thru the amp ... a cheap Fiio LOD cost around 15euro or so.

Suggestion: stay with the fuze and your IEMs ... or get a better budget :p on the black friday sale , you could have gotten Triple FI 10s for 99$

Also my Unique Melody Miracles will arrive tmr after 3 month playing the waiting game :3
Aight, I'll go for that then, I'd get anything to not have to listen to my htc desire s with some random IEM's :D

Btw, since these amps don't cost that much, does it make quite the difference or not ?
in my honest opinion , no difference ... i would only consider an amp if you cans/iems are hard to drive ... most IEMs are not. Things kinda change the higher tier the musicquality/source and the headphone is. i couldnt hear a difference with ATH M50s on my Clip+ with and without amp blind testing. (Cmoy and E11 Amp)

You should take any advice or opinion on head-fi with a grain of salt.

if you invest the money you planned for the amp into better IEMs/Can you will be more satisfied.
ah k :) Btw, does that mean the Sansa Clip+ would be of equal soundquality? So then I could perhaps get a slightly better IEM.

EDIT: nvm, looks like the UI of the fuze is so much better
There is no SQ difference between the Clip+ / ClipZip or Fuze , ppl prefered the Fuze due to the fact that you can get any LO signal..

get a clip and put all your budget on the headphones :=)
Well I'll browse some more then to find headphones/iem for around 50-60 euros
Wow that's .. a lot :D So if let's say would get some IEM ( around 60 ), then would I be needing an amp ?
the higher the impedance the higher the driving signal needs to be ... high impedance cans with a low impedance singal would result in horrible SQ or really quiet cans ... so people get amps in order to get a proper SQ / proper volume settings

also some amps tend to add some "sonic attributes" to the signal that some audiophile ppl believe to hear (you prolly read on head fi ppl using adjectives like "cold , warm , bright , dark" to explain the changes what so ever). also some amps got a bass boost function, yet cheaper amps tend to distort the signal more than to enhance it.

conclusion: IEMs mostly low impedance are easy to drive .. no need for an amp ... just get better headphones like gr07 vsonics, seem to be good entry mid tier IEMs for cheapish 120euros or so.
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