tzac high pings

so fucking great, few minutes ago solved another problem with tzac and now I've next prob with this shit. On tzac server's I've ping drops like 50-500 etc. Without tzac ping is normal. Any solutions?
its all comming to an end
I don't think it's tzac that effects you just a bad server or prehaps you don't have a stable connection. I don't have problems with my ping on tzac.
so why i've stable ping @ 48ms on any other server without tzac? : ping 15ms, jitter 2ms, packetloss 0% , for example played @ bio, ping drops from 48ms to 999ms, in cmd @ win7 ( ping -> packet loss: 0%, min: 51ms, max: 53ms) Its YCN host server, found YCN test server without tzac ( ping @ stable 48...... so fucking nice.
omg stfu. it's not tzac, its the server.....
get clue mate
how can it be the server? unless you mean tzac server?
whatever, you're a a retard
It is TZAC to blame for the same reason as we always blamed PB!
If often lag out when playing at TZAC servers, while the same doesnt happen with TZAC on on non TZAC servers. And I never had any problems with PB (except when CB added that GV shit and uber screenshots).

For all the people who had lags with PB. It was the server not PB! Too bad they stopped supporting ET when too many polaks complained about lag and we stopped using it. Now Chap will do the same, we whine about lag, he wants moneyzzz, he doesnt get money, TZAC stops.
Game-Violations doesn't really affect servers, auto pb screenshots probably were the reason of you having a lag once in a while (:
but the auto screenshots etc were comming from the GV script which decided the interval and size of the screenshots ;)

I just said it was the server because taZyatard is blaming TZAC problems on the server.
pb was shit. thats why we dont use it.
what nub said.
how does a ping drop increase ping?
up and down.
so I think you narrowed the problem pretty much to its source:

It is your connection to tzac servers.
a forum tzaca przegrzebales?
jakby jeszcze chaplja tam odpisywal to ok
sa jeszcze inne cwele do odpisywania
tutaj jest ich znaczniej wiecej i szybciej odpisuja XD
gdyby jeszcze sie dalo na tych lagach grac:C ale ni chuj
Did you solve the No auth reply from the master, try logging in again ? how?
had a problem with: "tzac server: awaiting auth", with log in everything it's ok
cope tzac to another disk and try run it , worked for me
get internet
/autokick IF ping <100
/autokick polish
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